Johnny Otto

Johnny Otto


Johnny Otto is an actor and a stunt performer.


Johnny Otto


Police Officer (uncredited)
Dr. Mansfield (uncredited)
Seventeen-year-old Stella spends most of her time in the hospital as a cystic fibrosis patient. Her life is full of routines, boundaries and self-control — all of which get put to the test when she meets Will, an impossibly charming teen who has the same illness. There's an instant flirtation, though restrictions dictate that they must maintain a safe distance between them. As their connection intensifies, so does the temptation to throw the rules out the window and embrace that attraction.
Doctor Plattson
Joe—a down-on-his-luck truck driver haunted by the memory of his deceased wife and child—meets Julie, a spiritually gifted woman who enlists his help in a desperate effort to find the lost soul of her comatose daughter. But the spirit of Joe's dead wife proves stronger, possessing the young woman's body and determined to settle her unfinished business with the living.
Izzy Gets the F*ck Across Town
Ugly Sweater Guy
A woman at rock bottom must find her way across Los Angeles in order to crash her ex-boyfriend's engagement party.
Member of Parliament (uncredited)
スノーマン 雪闇の殺人鬼
Detective Campbell
Detective Harry Hole investigates the disappearance of a woman whose pink scarf is found wrapped around an ominous looking snowman.
Captain Marshall (uncredited)
キュア 〜禁断の隔離病棟〜
Doctor Barlock (uncredited)
ウォールストリートで働く金融マンのロックハートが役員に呼び出されて会議室に向かうと、社長のロバート・E・ペンブロークからの「会社には戻らない」と書かれた手紙を見せられ、実際に休暇から戻ってきていないことを知らされる。ロックハートの不正に気付いている役員たちは彼に圧力をかけ、スイスの療養所まで迎えに行くよう命じた。 ロックハートが療養所に到着すると既に面会時間を過ぎていたものの、責任者と交渉して夜には会えるように取り計らってもらう。ロックハートは一旦ホテルに向かうため療養所から離れるが、途中でタクシーが鹿に激突して大事故になってしまう。
Assassin (uncredited)
Officer Martin (uncredited)
職を失ったレイチェル・ワトソンはあてもなく電車に乗り続ける日々を送っていた。レイチェルは電車の窓から別れた元夫、トムの新しい生活や近所のヒップウェル夫妻の暮らしぶりをのぞき見ていた。レイチェルにとって、ヒップウェル夫妻は理想の夫婦に見えた。 トムと結婚生活を営んでいた頃、なかなか妊娠できないことへの焦りから、レイチェルは酒浸りになってしまった。過度のアルコールを摂取し続けた結果、レイチェルは自覚のないままに暴れるようになってしまった。さらに酷いことに、レイチェルはトムの上司の家で大暴れしてしまい、トムが解雇されるに至った。 ある日、電車から覗き見を続けるレイチェルは、メガンの不倫現場を目撃した。「ヒップウェル夫妻は完璧な結婚生活を営んでいる」という幻想を打ち砕かれたレイチェルは、メガンに対して並々ならぬ怒りを感じた。酒を浴びるように飲んだ後、レイチェルはメガンを叱責しに向かったが、途中で意識を失ってしまった。数時間後に意識を取り戻したとき、レイチェルは自宅にいた。しかも、身に覚えのない傷を負っていた。そんなレイチェルの元に、ライリー刑事が訪ねてきた。メガンが失踪したのだという。刑事は近所での聞き込み調査から、レイチェルが事件に関与していると疑っていた。一方、レイチェルは電車に乗っていたスーツ姿の男が犯人なのではないかと思い始める。実際、意識を失っている間に彼を見たような記憶が残っていたのだが、レイチェルは全てを思い出すことが出来なかった。
Secret Service Agent (uncredited)
Roman Officer (uncredited)
Dr. Osborne (uncredited)
The Sun King
Post Production Coordinator
Johnny Otto's newest project "The Sun King" is a dark, quirky short film (20 Min.) about a Young Woman named Chloe (Thessa M'Loe) who begins following a mysterious Crime Fighter, (Pedro Shanahan) who she claims has special powers, which are the result of taking some sort of drug. After encountering a Young Man named Ben, (Tim Perkins) Chloe begins to confess everything she has seen to him. But will Ben believe her strange and unlikely story or simple think that she is going mad? And, is there more to Ben than Chloe has thought?
The Sun King
Music Supervisor
Johnny Otto's newest project "The Sun King" is a dark, quirky short film (20 Min.) about a Young Woman named Chloe (Thessa M'Loe) who begins following a mysterious Crime Fighter, (Pedro Shanahan) who she claims has special powers, which are the result of taking some sort of drug. After encountering a Young Man named Ben, (Tim Perkins) Chloe begins to confess everything she has seen to him. But will Ben believe her strange and unlikely story or simple think that she is going mad? And, is there more to Ben than Chloe has thought?
The Sun King
Post Production Supervisor
Johnny Otto's newest project "The Sun King" is a dark, quirky short film (20 Min.) about a Young Woman named Chloe (Thessa M'Loe) who begins following a mysterious Crime Fighter, (Pedro Shanahan) who she claims has special powers, which are the result of taking some sort of drug. After encountering a Young Man named Ben, (Tim Perkins) Chloe begins to confess everything she has seen to him. But will Ben believe her strange and unlikely story or simple think that she is going mad? And, is there more to Ben than Chloe has thought?
The Sun King
Visual Effects
Johnny Otto's newest project "The Sun King" is a dark, quirky short film (20 Min.) about a Young Woman named Chloe (Thessa M'Loe) who begins following a mysterious Crime Fighter, (Pedro Shanahan) who she claims has special powers, which are the result of taking some sort of drug. After encountering a Young Man named Ben, (Tim Perkins) Chloe begins to confess everything she has seen to him. But will Ben believe her strange and unlikely story or simple think that she is going mad? And, is there more to Ben than Chloe has thought?
The Sun King
Special Effects
Johnny Otto's newest project "The Sun King" is a dark, quirky short film (20 Min.) about a Young Woman named Chloe (Thessa M'Loe) who begins following a mysterious Crime Fighter, (Pedro Shanahan) who she claims has special powers, which are the result of taking some sort of drug. After encountering a Young Man named Ben, (Tim Perkins) Chloe begins to confess everything she has seen to him. But will Ben believe her strange and unlikely story or simple think that she is going mad? And, is there more to Ben than Chloe has thought?
The Sun King
Special Effects Coordinator
Johnny Otto's newest project "The Sun King" is a dark, quirky short film (20 Min.) about a Young Woman named Chloe (Thessa M'Loe) who begins following a mysterious Crime Fighter, (Pedro Shanahan) who she claims has special powers, which are the result of taking some sort of drug. After encountering a Young Man named Ben, (Tim Perkins) Chloe begins to confess everything she has seen to him. But will Ben believe her strange and unlikely story or simple think that she is going mad? And, is there more to Ben than Chloe has thought?
The Sun King
Sound Editor
Johnny Otto's newest project "The Sun King" is a dark, quirky short film (20 Min.) about a Young Woman named Chloe (Thessa M'Loe) who begins following a mysterious Crime Fighter, (Pedro Shanahan) who she claims has special powers, which are the result of taking some sort of drug. After encountering a Young Man named Ben, (Tim Perkins) Chloe begins to confess everything she has seen to him. But will Ben believe her strange and unlikely story or simple think that she is going mad? And, is there more to Ben than Chloe has thought?
The Sun King
Johnny Otto's newest project "The Sun King" is a dark, quirky short film (20 Min.) about a Young Woman named Chloe (Thessa M'Loe) who begins following a mysterious Crime Fighter, (Pedro Shanahan) who she claims has special powers, which are the result of taking some sort of drug. After encountering a Young Man named Ben, (Tim Perkins) Chloe begins to confess everything she has seen to him. But will Ben believe her strange and unlikely story or simple think that she is going mad? And, is there more to Ben than Chloe has thought?
The Sun King
Johnny Otto's newest project "The Sun King" is a dark, quirky short film (20 Min.) about a Young Woman named Chloe (Thessa M'Loe) who begins following a mysterious Crime Fighter, (Pedro Shanahan) who she claims has special powers, which are the result of taking some sort of drug. After encountering a Young Man named Ben, (Tim Perkins) Chloe begins to confess everything she has seen to him. But will Ben believe her strange and unlikely story or simple think that she is going mad? And, is there more to Ben than Chloe has thought?
The Sun King
Director of Photography
Johnny Otto's newest project "The Sun King" is a dark, quirky short film (20 Min.) about a Young Woman named Chloe (Thessa M'Loe) who begins following a mysterious Crime Fighter, (Pedro Shanahan) who she claims has special powers, which are the result of taking some sort of drug. After encountering a Young Man named Ben, (Tim Perkins) Chloe begins to confess everything she has seen to him. But will Ben believe her strange and unlikely story or simple think that she is going mad? And, is there more to Ben than Chloe has thought?
The Sun King
Johnny Otto's newest project "The Sun King" is a dark, quirky short film (20 Min.) about a Young Woman named Chloe (Thessa M'Loe) who begins following a mysterious Crime Fighter, (Pedro Shanahan) who she claims has special powers, which are the result of taking some sort of drug. After encountering a Young Man named Ben, (Tim Perkins) Chloe begins to confess everything she has seen to him. But will Ben believe her strange and unlikely story or simple think that she is going mad? And, is there more to Ben than Chloe has thought?
The Sun King
Johnny Otto's newest project "The Sun King" is a dark, quirky short film (20 Min.) about a Young Woman named Chloe (Thessa M'Loe) who begins following a mysterious Crime Fighter, (Pedro Shanahan) who she claims has special powers, which are the result of taking some sort of drug. After encountering a Young Man named Ben, (Tim Perkins) Chloe begins to confess everything she has seen to him. But will Ben believe her strange and unlikely story or simple think that she is going mad? And, is there more to Ben than Chloe has thought?
The Sun King
Johnny Otto's newest project "The Sun King" is a dark, quirky short film (20 Min.) about a Young Woman named Chloe (Thessa M'Loe) who begins following a mysterious Crime Fighter, (Pedro Shanahan) who she claims has special powers, which are the result of taking some sort of drug. After encountering a Young Man named Ben, (Tim Perkins) Chloe begins to confess everything she has seen to him. But will Ben believe her strange and unlikely story or simple think that she is going mad? And, is there more to Ben than Chloe has thought?
SWAT Officer (uncredited)
Airline Captain (uncredited)
CIA Agent (uncredited)
The End of the Tour
The story of the five-day interview between Rolling Stone reporter David Lipsky and acclaimed novelist David Foster Wallace, which took place right after the 1996 publication of Wallace's groundbreaking epic novel, 'Infinite Jest.'
Mr.ホームズ 名探偵最後の事件
Army Officer (uncredited)
Biologist (uncredited)
Newscaster (uncredited)
Detective (uncredited)
Dog Soldier (uncredited)
荒野はつらいよ ~アリゾナより愛をこめて~
Cowboy (uncredited)
Murder of a Cat
Detective (uncredited)
When someone murders his beloved cat, Clinton, an adult child, demands justice. Taking it upon himself to solve the case, he teams up with an unlikely ally, Greta, and the two set out to find the culprit lurking in their small suburban town. But as Clinton searches for the truth, he begins to uncover a conspiracy that goes far deeper than he anticipated.
Cop (uncredited)
Military Advisor (uncredited)
Detective (uncredited)
ジャンゴ 繋がれざる者
Dr. Brown (uncredited)
Union Soldier (uncredited)
FBI Agent (uncredited)
殺害事件の手口から捜査線上に浮上したのは、すでに死んだと思われていたソビエト伝説のスパイ“カシウス”だった。犯人はカシウスなのか? 真相を解明するため、CIAは引退した元諜報員ポールと、仕事への情熱に溢れる若きFBI捜査官ギアリーに捜査にあたらせるが……
Russian Soldier (uncredited)
Detective (uncredited)