Denis Fraser


Beware the Moon: Remembering 'An American Werewolf in London'
Host Paul Davis takes a trip through some of the iconic backdrops of John Landis' 1981 werewolf classic An American Werewolf In London. The original cast and crew tell the story of how the film was made over a quarter of a century ago featuring rare footage and never before seen photos.
ピンク・フロイド ザ・ウォール
A troubled rock star descends into madness in the midst of his physical and social isolation from everyone.
2nd Man in Bus Queue
アメリカ人大学生のデビッドとジャックは三か月の休暇中イギリスでの気ままなヒッチハイクを楽しんでいた。ヒッチハイクで乗り込んだ車を、何もないど田舎の途中で降ろされて近場の町まで歩くことになってしまう。 日が落ち雨も降る中荒れ地を歩くうち闇夜に紛れてみたこともない恐ろしい大きな野獣に襲われジャックはかみ殺されデビッドもかみ殺される寸前で野獣は村人に射殺され命を救われる。 病院で目を覚まし療養していたデビッドだが、その夜からおかしな夢をみるようになりだんだんと不安にかられるようになってゆく。 そんな不安定なデビッドのまえに突然死んだはずのデビッドが、野獣にかみ殺されたままの無残な姿で現れこう警告する。 「俺たちを襲ったのは狼男だった。狼男に殺されると魂は呪われ永遠にさまよい続ける。お前は狼男の血を継いだ。呪いの系譜が立たれないと殺されたものは解放されない。お前は今すぐ死ぬべきだ」 警告を信じないで無視し続けるデビッドであったが、満月の夜、デビッドは耐え難い痛みとともに恐ろしい獣の姿に変貌し新たな狼男の犠牲者を作り始めるのだった。
Best Boy Grip
A psychiatrist, Martin Dysart, investigates the savage blinding of six horses with a metal spike in a stable in Hampshire, England. The atrocity was committed by an unassuming seventeen-year-old stable boy named Alan Strang, the only son of an opinionated but inwardly-timid father and a genteel, religious mother. As Dysart exposes the truths behind the boy's demons, he finds himself face-to-face with his own.
Our Miss Fred
Danny La Rue stars in this 1970s drag comedy as Fred Wimbush, a Shakespearean actor who is drafted into WWII and is appearing in a camp show in France when the Nazis advance. Unless he continues in his female costume, Fred is certain to be shot as a spy. The risque gags and double entendres fly as he attempts to make his escape in the company of a troupe of Girl Guides.
Fiddler on the Roof
In a small Jewish community in a pre-Revolutionary Russian village, a poor milkman, determined to find good husbands for his five daughters, consults the traditional matchmaker – and also has words with God.
The Yellow Rolls-Royce
One Rolls-Royce belongs to three vastly different owners, starting with Lord Charles, who buys the car for his wife as an anniversary present. The next owner is Paolo Maltese, a mafioso who purchases the car during a trip to Italy and leaves it with his girlfriend while he returns to Chicago. Finally, the car is owned by American widow Gerda, who joins the Yugoslavian resistance against the invading Nazis.