Jonny Woo


Jonny Woo is a British comedian, actor and drag queen. He co-owns The Glory, an East London pub in which he regularly performs. Woo spent time in New York City between 2000 and 2003 where he performed and created work on the downtown club and burlesque scene and returned to London where he created events and parties. He has toured the world with solo and group shows, and had residencies at The Soho Theatre, ICA, Bistrotheque and has created events for The Royal Opera House, The Royal National Theatre, London Coliseum and Hackney Empire as well as media and corporate companies including MTV and Selfridges. His party Gay Bingo was established in 2003 and changed the face of London's drag scene, bringing in a new generation of 'alt drag', 'East London drag' or 'nu-drag'. Since then he has devised numerous shows as well as opening his own venue The Glory in East London which he also tours festivals with. Woo is a founding member of Glastonbury's drag scene at NYC Downlow.


1995年、同性愛が違法でなくなってから2年後のアイルランド。同性愛者への差別や偏見が根強く残る田舎町で、自身がゲイであることを受け入れられない高校生・エディと、レズビアンであることを隠しているクラスメイトのアンバー。家族や同級生にセクシュアリティを悟られないように平穏に卒業を迎えるため、2人は“ニセモノの恋人”を演じることに! 性格も趣味も全く違う2人だったが、ぶつかり合いながらも、悩みや夢、秘密を打ち明けるうちに、唯一ありのままの自分をさらけ出せる、かけがえのない存在になっていく。しかし、一緒に訪れた都会・ダブリンで、運命的な出会いによって新たな世界に触れた2人は、“理想的”だったこの関係にも終わりが近づいていることに気づいてしまい…。
Dressed as a Girl
The story of East London’s exciting drag scene with touching personal stories at its’ heart. Individuals questioning their friendships, family and personal ambitions whilst dressing up to shock the world.