Rama Rajamouli


Costume Design
バーフバリ 王の凱旋
Costume Design
ある日、シヴドゥは自分が今や人々の語り草となっている伝説のヒーロー、バーフバリの息子だと知る。彼は父親の家臣カッタッパから父はある人物の裏切り行為により命を落とし、王座を追われたという話を聞く。かつて父バーフバリはカーラケーヤとの戦いに勝利し、国母シヴァガミから王位継承者として認められ……。 伝説の戦士バーフバリの壮大な物語を描いたアクション『バーフバリ 伝説誕生』の完結編。インドの王国を舞台に、祖父から孫の三代にわたる愛と裏切りと復讐(ふくしゅう)を描く。前作同様プラバースが主人公を演じ、ラーナー・ダッグバーティ、アヌシュカ・シェッティ、タマンナー、ナーサルらも続投。監督・脚本のS・S・ラージャマウリ、撮影のK・K・センティル・クマール、音楽のM・M・キーラヴァーニらスタッフも再び集結した。
バーフバリ 伝説誕生
Costume Design
Costume Design
Maryada Ramanna
Costume Design
Ramu returns to his hometown to sell a piece of land he owns and falls in love with a young woman only to find out that her parents want him dead.
Costume Design
Raja, an orphaned thief, dies while helping a gang in kidnapping a wealthy heiress, Mahi, in exchange of money. He then lands in Yamlok and fights with Yama, the god of death, to get his life back.
Costume Design
A thief's life changes after he discovers a little girl who claims he is her father, and what follows is violence after a gang hunting for his lookalike closes in on him.
Costume Design
Sivaji and his family are uprooted from their community in Sri Lanka and wind up as bonded labourers in Vishakhapatnam. Like his legendary namesake, he rises up to become the saviour of the oppressed.
Costume Design
The story is set in the backdrop of a college that is riven by two groups led by Prithvi and Shashank. Though there is nothing malicious between the groups, they just can't see eye to eye on anything. The only thing common between the two are their abiding passion for rugby. Whenever a problem crops between the two, it is usually settled with a bitter scrum on the rugby field. As it happens, the college land falls into the hands of a local dadha Bikshu Yadav. This is good enough reason for the two groups to forge a common identity and fight for the land. Prithvi and Shashank bury the hatchet and get back the land. This is too much of a bitter pill for the dadha to swallow. And so he dares the students for a rugby match with his own group.