Alexander Lymarev

出生 : 1983-01-18, Moscow, USSR (Russia)


AK-47 最強の銃 誕生の秘密
史上最も大量に製造・拡散されたアサルトライフル「AK-47」の開発者ミハイル・カラシニコフを描いた伝記ドラマ。独ソ戦争下のソ連。戦車担当の兵士ミハイル・カラシニコフは被弾して重傷を負い、前線から引き戻される。入院中、彼は後に世界中で使用されることになる武器の最初のスケッチを描く。カラシニコフ役に「T-34 レジェンド・オブ・ウォー」のユーリー・ボリソフ。「のむコレ2020」(20年10月9日~/東京・シネマート新宿、大阪・シネマート心斎橋)上映作品。
Wake Me Up
After boyfriend's disappearance Zhenia develops an uncanny power for prophetic dreams. Using this gift she decides to escape fate and save her true love from Moscow's criminal underworld
Orange Sky
Love story of the student of Ivanna and Mark, the son of the governor. Mark has a brilliant future - studying in a prestigious Western university, provided a bride. His concern is choosing a car brand in which club to spend the evening with the same snobs and cynics from wealthy families. Ivanna is emotional, unpredictable, she is not indifferent to not only her future but also the future of her country. She broke into Mark's life with an orange swirl and changed him in minutes. They are not alike, they even speak different languages, but the main thing now is love.
Soldiers: Hello, Company, New Year!
Операция «Горгона»