Based on the life of the Korean anarchist Park Yeol, the film shows his struggle to counter the massacre of Koreans by the government during the 1923 great Kanto earthquake, focusing on his activities as the leader of the anti-Japanese organization Bulryeongsa and his relationship with Japanese comrade Fumiko Kaneko.
In 1947, a magician, Seok-jin plans the most elaborate trick to find out hidden conspiracy in his fiance's death.
Head of Sales Division
Promising fund manager Jae-hoon is at the brink of losing everything when his company goes bankrupt. Overwhelmed by despair, he takes an impulsive trip to Australia where his wife and son live. As his trip nears its unexpected end, Jae-hoon gets a chance to look back on his life.
News Anchor
SNC anchor
Based on a true story, renowned Korean poet, Yun Dong-ju, is detained and abused by the Japanese for participating in the Korean Independence Movement.
ある雨の朝、学校に行く 途中で8歳の少女ソウォンは酒に酔った男に連れて行かれ、恐ろしい暴行事件に遭う。身体と心に生涯消すことができない傷を受けたソウォン。信じがたい状況に泣き崩れる父親のドンフンと母親ミヒ。