Mariya Sapozhnikova


The Invisible Man
dama na pochte
Based upon the famous novel by H.G.Wells. A poor scientist named Griffin discovers a way to make things invisible. Since he has no money to continue his research, he decides to perform his only experiment on himself. After becoming invisible, Griffin has a lot of trouble trying to conceal this from other people.
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Funny People!
Пошехонская старина
Tale About Czar Pyotr Arranging Arap's Wedding
дворовая в доме Ртищевых, в титрах не указана
Peter the Great takes a Russian man of African heritage - Ibrahim Petrovich Hannibal - under his wing as the tsar builds his grand navy. After having a disastrous affair in France, Ibrahim vows to never fall in love again, until he sees the daughter of a wealthy boyar. Peter the Great insists the two be married, but Ibrahim goes against the tsar's wishes, refusing to force her to marry him since she doesn't consent. When another man tries to marry her, however, Ibrahim's loyalties and generous nature are put to the test.
train victim's widow
幾度となく映画化されてきたロシアの文豪・トルストイの傑作ラブストーリーを、アレクサンドル・ザルヒが脚色・監督した文芸篇。政府の高官と政略結婚させられたアンナ。愛のない生活に満たされない日々を送っていた彼女は、ある日青年将校・ウロンスキーと出会う。ふたりは互いに惹かれ合うのだが…。 撮影はカラー作品は初めてというレオニード・カラーシニコフ、作曲はロジオン・シチェドリン、演奏はモスクワ室内オーケストラ。指揮はルドルフ・バルシャイである。美術はアレクサンドル・ボリソフ。出演は「戦争と貞操」のタチアナ・サモイロワ、舞台出身のワシリー・ラノボイ、「戦争と平和」のアナスタシア・ヴェルチンスカヤ、「小犬を連れた貴婦人」のイヤ・サーヴィナ、ニコライ・グリツェンコほか。アグファーカラー、70ミリ。
Liberated Earth
Collective Farmer
After the liberation of the Kuban by the Soviet Army troops, farmers return home and begin to restore the destroyed economy. Under the leadership of the young chairman, Nadiezdha Pritulyak, growers are working with great enthusiasm.
A Russian woman tells the tragic story of her life.