Lowell Bartholomee


Into the Who Knows!
Mr. Reichardt
After escaping from summer camp, Thomas and his invisible fox Felix have the adventure of a lifetime.
Zero Charisma
An obsessive fantasy nerd gradually becomes unhinged when a charismatic hipster joins his role-playing game
Black Metal
After a career spent mining his music from the shadows, one fan creates a chain reaction for the lead singer of a black metal band.
My Name Is Buttons
Dr. Lamb Williams
When perpetually disgruntled twentysomething Hunter Reeves is fired from a chain bookstore, his best chance at regaining some semblance of financial security is by offering himself to Pharmakhem, which, despite being exactly the type of pharmaceutical conglomerate Hunter is prone to despise, is paying good money for human test subjects. Along with his fellow unemployed friends Nicki and Greg, Hunter agrees to set aside his most recent Noam Chomsky book and swallow an experimental anti-depressant. Unlike Prozac, however, this drug doesn't encourage proper brain chemistry as much as it induces stupidity. Ignorance really is bliss for Hunter; while he finds himself increasingly unconcerned with the state of the world, he's also becoming progressively dumber.
Additional Voices
500年に及ぶ鎖国政策が続けられているその国 建御雷家の末裔である若く美しい娘・雪は、あらゆる感情を抑圧し、冷徹に人を殺す刺客として育てられてきた。ある日、空暇と名乗る老人から雪の母・亞空を殺した人物が建御雷家の首領・白雷だと知らされ、反旗を翻す。ところが、返り討ちに合い重傷を負った彼女は、反政府組織の活動家である隆に助けられ、彼との生活の中で、次第に人間らしい感情を取り戻していく。しかし、執拗な追手はすぐそこまで迫っていた。白雷と壮絶な戦いの中、翻弄される雪の運命は――。