Visual Effects Technical Director
偉大な王であり、守護者であるティ・チャラを失ったワカンダ王国。悲しみに打ちひしがれる中、謎の海底王国タロカンからの脅威が迫る…。ワカンダと世界を揺るがす危機に、残された者たちはどう立ち向かうのか。そして、新たな希望となるブラックパンサーを受け継ぐ者は誰なのか…。絶対的な存在を失いながらも、未来を切りひらく者たちの熱き戦いを描いたドラマチック・アクション超大作が始まる!第80回ゴールデングローブ賞 助演女優賞受賞!
VFX Artist
The nine year old Larissa lives in the Luneburg Heath. She is in the clique "The Timies", which is devoted to historical events and facts. In this summer holidays, Larissa's cousins from Berlin are visiting the Luneburg Heath for the first time. From now on, Emma more and more realizes that she disposes of a mysterious talent. By touching antique objects she is able to look into the past of these things. Will they be able to find this treasure? And what has this shining crystal appearing in Emma's visions to do with it?