Kemel Jamís


...bitch, company...
Luna is recently separated, but nobody knows very well if this is the case. His company is his dachshund. In the first scene, Luna listens to her brother talking on the phone about her, saying that she didn't treat her ex-partner well, because he's a great guy and she must have done something for that great person to suddenly leave her. "Look, do me a favor, I'm too old to listen to the advice of fourth-rate magazines, and I don't need anyone to tell me what I have to do, much less come save me," she tells him when he hangs up the call. . Thus begins the journey of Luna, her dog and loneliness at night in the city.
エクストーション 家族の値段
Assistant Director
カリブ海のリゾート地に家族旅行に来たケビン(アイオン・ベイリー)は、息子のアンディにせがまれ、妻のジュリーとボートで遥か沖合の無人島に渡るが、エンジンが故障し帰れなくなってしまう。 内地と連絡を取る手立ても無く、救助を待っていたが、真夏の赤道直下でアンディが脱水症状を起こし危篤状態に陥ってしまう。生死を分ける72時間の壁も迫り、ケビンの意識も薄れていく。 その時、奇跡的に通りかかった一隻の漁船が救助に来てくれた。しかし、漁船の船長ミゲル(バーカッド・アブディ)は、ケビンが医師と知ると、耳を疑う法外な報酬を要求してきた。 “妻子を助けてほしければ、百万ドルの金を払え―"。アンディの容態が刻一刻と悪化する中、余儀なく金を払うことで合意し、家族は助かるはずだった。しかし、これは悪夢の始まりに過ぎなかった・・・。
Extra Terrestres
Assistant Director
The Díaz are an influential family who control much of the poultry industry in the island. Arcadio is the family patriarch, an authoritative and conservative man who rules over his family's destiny as he does over the chickens on his farm. Teresa, his eldest, left home during her college years to become an astrophysicist against her father's wishes. Now, after a 7-year absence, she returns home for a few weeks in order to reveal a secret long kept from her family and to invite them to her wedding with Daniela. But, once back, her intentions turn to dust when she finds herself trapped in the family's old habit of lying. No one in the family is as they seem, nor are they willing to unveil their true selves. Within this world of half-truths, Teresa encounters Andrés, her nephew, a boy with Asperger's Syndrome who shares her passion for the stars.
The Vessel
Location Scout
Ten years after a tsunami destroyed a small-town elementary school with all the children inside, a young man builds a mysterious structure out of the school's remains, setting the town aflame with passions long forgotten.
The Vessel
Assistant Director
Ten years after a tsunami destroyed a small-town elementary school with all the children inside, a young man builds a mysterious structure out of the school's remains, setting the town aflame with passions long forgotten.
A child is raised secretly by a gang of thugs in a junker without contact to the exterior. Through a dispute with his boss, he discovers there is an outside world that he does not know.
Creative Producer
A child is raised secretly by a gang of thugs in a junker without contact to the exterior. Through a dispute with his boss, he discovers there is an outside world that he does not know.
Assistant Director
Nathan, a successful photographer, has a secret from his past that haunts him. When he starts having blackouts and his friends show up dead, he is forced to confront his past and himself.
Stranded in Paradise
Assistant Director
When a driven HR exec loses her high-powered job, she travels to Puerto Rico in an attempt to save her career at a business conference. But as the trip quickly becomes a disaster and a hurricane shuts down the whole island, she meets a handsome world traveler who gives her a new perspective on finding passion in life and love.
La espera desespera
Agente Nieves
Jorge has no money or insurance when his wife needs heart surgery, so he decides to rob a bank.
Mi santa mirada
Assistant Director
Sammy is a quiet and solitary man who lives from the drug business. The most important things in his life are his younger brother, who he is responsible for, and his horse. This short film reveals daily life at the marginalized spaces in Puerto Rico.
Los condenados
Assistant Director
Determined to restore her dying father's reputation, Ana travels to the remote town of Rosales. Decades ago, he settled there and opened his first free clinic for cancer research. He launched an illustrious medical career - and fell in love. Ana plans to celebrate her father's scientific and humanitarian achievements by transforming the old family mansion into a world-class museum. She will preserve his legacy, and also breathe new life into the forgotten Rosales. But the townspeople-now destitute and helpless-do not greet her warmly. Neither does the house.
Joel está imposible
Michelle says goodbye to everyone that's important to her before leaving the island of Puerto Rico for good.
Joel está imposible
Michelle says goodbye to everyone that's important to her before leaving the island of Puerto Rico for good.
Orfanato de cafres
One family faces crisis after their long-gone father returns, now a famous religious leader.
Production Assistant
Mañana en el Café
A man in his twenty-something is drinking his coffee when he suddenly sees a girl that calls his attention. She also notices him. The short is a love story between the two, and the coincidences of an important aspect of their lives that links them.