Kunio Hara


月光仮面 怪獣コング
Fourth Moonlight Mask theatrical film.
Sayuri, a young woman born to a simple life on a farm, moves to Tokyo to pursue a life long dream of becoming a singer. Through dance, music, and songs, this story shows how a girl raised on a farm was able to make her dream a reality, with the love of those around her.
月光仮面 絶海の死斗
Second Moonlight Mask theatrical film.
First Moonlight Mask theatrical film.
The love between young college students Toki and the handsome Takaga is tested when Takaya's parents, who despise Toki's family's geisha house business, intervenes in their relationship.
少年探偵団 夜光の魔人
Sixth film in the Boy Detectives Club series.
Japanese drama film.
少年探偵団 第二部 二十面相の悪魔
Second film in the Boy Detectives Club series.
少年探偵団 妖怪博士
乱歩の「妖怪博士」を映像化した「少年探偵団」シリーズ第一作。『少年探偵団 二十面相の悪魔』に続く。 第一部・妖怪博士--警戒厳重な日本原子力第一工場に、ある夜、怪盗が侵入。新聞は国際スパイ団首領、怪人二十面相の仕業と報じる・・・