Special Effects Makeup Artist
「感謝祭(=サンクスギビング)」発祥の地とされるアメリカ・マサチューセッツの田舎町。感謝祭とは、家族や愛する人々と共に日々の収穫や恩恵に感謝し祝福する、一年でもっとも盛大な祝祭。ハッピーなお祭りムードを楽しんでいた人々だったが、突如として現れた清教徒<ピルグリム・ファーザーズ>の指導者ジョン・カーヴァーのお面に身を隠した連続殺人鬼によって、町は恐怖のどん底へと突き落される。残虐なやり口で殺人鬼の犠牲になった人々は何者かによって謎のインスタグラムの投稿にタグ付けされていた。感謝祭のおしゃれな食卓が映る投稿には、意味深に配された住民たちの名札が! なぜ彼らは狙われるのか──。饗宴が狂宴と化し、一夜が永遠のトラウマとなる史上最悪の感謝祭<サンクスギビング>が始まる!
Makeup Artist
A young female vampire is caught by a clandestine government organization tasked with eliminating vampires and is made an offer she can't refuse: join them and help hunt down her own kind or be eliminated.
Special Effects Makeup Artist
A young camgirl discovers that she’s inexplicably been replaced on her site with an exact replica of herself.
Makeup Effects
Makeup Effects
On a camping trip, Matthew's girlfriend Rachel was abducted by a UFO. A year later Rachel returns to the very spot from which she was taken but the creature she has become has Matthew fearing for his life.
Special Effects Makeup Artist
The game of cat-and-mouse is on as Chromeskull’s assistant, Preston, scrambles to tie up the loose ends left behind after his deranged boss’s last killing spree. He finds that he likes taking care of business—maybe a little too much. One bloody mess leads to another and the bodies pile up in a visual feast of the most spectacular kills ever filmed.
In a town overrun with zombies, vampires, and a melting mad scientist with plans for an impending alien invasion, it's up to a select few to try and keep order.
In a town overrun with zombies, vampires, and a melting mad scientist with plans for an impending alien invasion, it's up to a select few to try and keep order.