Claudio Carrer


Location Manager
ゲイブはロッキー山脈の仕事に就いていた。ある時、同僚のハルとハルの恋人・サラが山でデートをしている最中にハルが怪我をし、ゲイブが救助に向かう。ゲイブはハルの目の前のサラの救出に失敗しサラを死なせてしまう。以後ハルはゲイブを憎むようになり、同僚の恋人・ジェシーと別れ仕事もやめた。 その後、国際犯罪組織が財務省の紙幣輸送の飛行機を乗っ取り、使用済みの紙幣を強奪を図ったが、手違いから紙幣の入ったスーツケースを雪のロッキー山脈に落としてしまう。
Until the End of the World
Art Direction
In 1999, Claire's life is forever changed after she survives a car crash with two bank robbers, who enlist her help to take the money to a drop in Paris. On the way she runs into another fugitive from the law — Dr. Sam Farber, an American who is being chased by the CIA. They want to confiscate a device his father invented which allows anyone to record their dreams and visions. On the run they travel the globe from Berlin to Lisbon to Moscow to Tokyo, ending up in Australia at his father's research facility, where they hope to play back the recordings Farber captured for his blind mother.