Ty Olwin

Ty Olwin


Ty Olwin


Whitaker Whitney III
When a big mistake leaves an altruistic law-school grad desperate for a job, he must descend, like Dante, into the Inferno: a uniquely unethical firm of divorce lawyers. In this black comedy, the main character's fundamental resolve to do the right thing collides with the tragicomic absurdity of corrupt or incompetent attorneys, damaged, unbalanced clients, and a catastrophically broken family-law system. Pilot Synopsis: Tommy Laudadio, an altruistic law-school grad paying a steep price for a big mistake, is beyond desperate for a job. At an interview with a divorce firm he observes the owner and his henchman bullying and cheating clients; while trying to help the clients Tommy comes face to face with tragicomic absurdity of the entire family-law system. This might be Tommy's last chance to save his future-but it's clear he will have to sacrifice every principle he lives by if he wants to grab it.
Knives and Skin
Andy Kitzmiller
In the wake of a high school student's mysterious disappearance, a collective awakening seems to overcome the town's teenage girls, gathering in force until it can no longer be contained.
オリヴィエ・アサイヤス監督が贈る異色の心理ミステリー。兄を亡くした喪失感の中で、不可解な出来事に直面するヒロインを描く。 オリヴィエ・アサイヤス監督が『アクトレス~女たちの舞台~』に続いてクリスティン・スチュアートを起用し、カンヌ国際映画祭監督賞を受賞した心理ミステリー。『トワイライト』シリーズでブレイク後、本格派女優として活躍するクリスティンが、セレブの私生活を覗くうちに思わぬ事件を招く買い物代行業の女性を繊細かつミステリアスに演じる。予想外の展開を見せる物語は勿論、映画を彩るハイブランドファッションも見逃せない。
The Book of Leah
David Rosen
The Book of Leah is a coming of age story, a drama about love, culture, and above all a witness to history.