Arnaud Léonard

Arnaud Léonard


Arnaud Léonard


Additional Voices (voice)
なぜ、エルサに力は与えられたのか――。 命がけの妹アナによって、閉ざした心を開き、“触れるものすべてを凍らせてしまう力”をコントロールできるようになったエルサは、雪と氷に覆われたアレンデール王国に温かな陽光を取り戻した。そして再び城門を閉じることはないと約束した。それから3年――。 深い絆で結ばれたアナとエルサの姉妹は、王国を治めながら、失われた少女時代を取り戻すかのように、気の置けない仲間たちと平穏で幸せな日々を送っていた。しかしある日、エルサだけが“不思議な歌声”を聴く。その歌声に導かれ、仲間のクリストフやオラフと共に旅に出たアナとエルサは、エルサの持つ“力”の秘密を解き明かすため、数々の試練に立ち向かう。果たしてなぜ力はエルサだけに与えられたのか。そして姉妹の知られざる過去の“謎”とは? 旅の終わりに、待ち受けるすべての答えとは――。
Attention Menhir !
Assurancetourix (voice)
Julius Caesar plans on kidnapping Getafix but Asterix and Obelix save him. Whilst attempting to scatter the attackers, Obelix accidentally strikes Getafix with a menhir, the impact of which causes amnesia and forgets the recipe of the magic potion.
Asterix: The Secret of the Magic Potion
Assurancetourix (voice)
Following a fall during mistletoe picking, Druid Getafix decides that it is time to secure the future of the village. Accompanied by Asterix and Obelix, he undertakes to travel the Gallic world in search of a talented young druid to transmit the Secret of the Magic Potion.
Tall Tales from the Magical Garden of Antoon Krings
When Apollo, a kind-hearted travelling performer, lands in the village of the Funny Little Bugs, it’s not too long before he upsets the life of the kingdom. As Apollo falls into a trap set by Wendy, the jealous and treacherous cousin of the queen, he is framed for kidnapping Queen Marguerite, causing panic in the hive! In reality, Marguerite is held by the Vermin, Wendy’s accomplices, while she takes over the throne. With the help of his new friends, Apollo embarks on a perilous rescue mission. To free the Queen and save the hive, the Little Bugs will bravely face many dangers and be more imaginative than ever!
Princess of the Sun
In Ancient Egypt, during the monotheistic regime of Akhenaten, Akhesa is a beautiful princess, 14 years of age. An impetuous young girl, Akhesa rebels against her father's dictats. She refuses to live confined in the royal palace and wants to discover why her mother, Queen Nefertiti, has been exiled on the island of Elephantine. Assisted by her half-brother prince Tutankhaten, or "Tut", Akhesa flees the court in hopes of finding her mother. In defiance of danger the two teenagers travel down the Nile to the burning-hot desert dunes, courageously facing the mercenary Zannanza and priests of Amun Ra, who are conspiring to overthrow the pharaoh because of his rejection of their god. With innocence their only weapon, Akhesa and Tut overcome many hardships, and encounter an extraordinary destiny.