Chris Haney


May December
Visual Effects Supervisor
Twenty years after their notorious tabloid romance gripped the nation, a married couple buckles under the pressure when an actress arrives to do research for a film about their past.
To Leslie
Visual Effects Supervisor
A West Texas single mother wins the lottery and squanders it just as fast, leaving behind a world of heartbreak. Years later, with her charm running out and nowhere to go, she fights to rebuild her life and find redemption.
My Valentine
Visual Effects Supervisor
A pop singer's artistic identity is stolen by her ex-boyfriend/manager and shamelessly pasted onto his new girlfriend/protégé. Locked together late one night in a concert venue, the three reconcile emotional abuses of the past...until things turn violent.
Visual Effects Supervisor
A tenacious attorney uncovers a dark secret that connects a growing number of unexplained deaths to one of the world's largest corporations. In the process, he risks everything — his future, his family, and his own life — to expose the truth.
CG Supervisor
中国全土を顧客に持つ世界的ハイテク企業ジャン社の社長令嬢ダヤが何者かに誘拐された。かつてジャン社に雇われ、ダヤの身辺警護を務めたシェン・ロー(マックス・チャン)は、世界唯一の脱獄のプロフェッショナル レイ・ブレスリン(シルヴェスター・スタローン)を訪ねる。ダヤは今まで誰も出たものはおらず全容が謎に包まれた秘密監獄“悪魔砦”に囚われているとの情報をデローサ(デイヴ・バウティスタ)から得たレイは、シェン、そしてデローサとともにダヤの救出に動く。ところが、レイにとって公私ともにパートナーであるアビゲイルが“悪魔砦”に拉致されてしまう。レイを罠にはめた犯人はレスター・クラーク・Jr。かつて金に目が眩み、レイを大海原に浮かぶ監獄要塞“墓場”に投獄したが、報復されて殺された元相棒の息子だ。復讐心に燃え、狡猾にレイを追い詰めてゆくクラーク・Jrだったが、仲間を人質にとる卑劣な行為にレイの怒りが爆発する!
Then Came You
VFX Supervisor
An American hypochondriac who is working as a baggage handler is forced to confront his fears when a British teenager with a terminal illness enlists him to help her carry out her eccentric bucket list.
New Year, New You
Visual Effects Supervisor
A group of old friends gather for a girls’ night on New Years Eve. But as they begin to rehash old memories, many of the gripes they’ve been harboring manifest in murderous ways.
CG Supervisor
In order to save her son's life, Ana embarks on a quest to find a powerful stone from the Zone of Silence in Mexico. Someone finds out the power the stone possesses and believes it is a power worth killing for.
CG Supervisor
Visual Effects Producer
When his increasingly depraved behavior spirals out of control, Marcus retreats to his family home along the New England coast. But instead of finding solace, Marcus is haunted by his darkest fears and deepest desires.
Gali Guleiyan
Visual Effects Supervisor
A reclusive Old Delhi shopkeeper, spends his time watching people through hidden cameras. When he overhears a boy being beaten, his search for the boy leads to reality crumbling around him, as he is lost in the maze of the city and his own mind.
These Wild Things
A woman survives being run over by a man and makes a connection to him.
The Transfiguration
Visual Effects Supervisor
When troubled teen Milo, who has a fascination with vampire lore, meets the equally alienated Sophie, the two form a bond that begins to blur Milo's fantasy into reality.
Visual Effects Supervisor
Visual Effects Producer
Visual Effects Supervisor
A suicidal artist goes into the desert, where he finds his doppelgänger, a homicidal drifter.
Visual Effects
Visual Effects