Wang Hui

Wang Hui

出生 : 1966-02-28,


Wang Hui


Strange Things in Night Rain and Autumn Light
The Legend of 1935
Mao Zedong
レッドクリフ Part II ―未来への最終決戦―
Cao Hong
レッドクリフ Part I
Cao Hong
三国時代の中国。漢の丞相の曹操(のちの魏の礎を築いた)は、北部を平定した後、南部も制圧するために兵を進める。その目的は、天下統一に邪魔な劉備・孫権の抹殺だけでなく、今は周瑜の妻となった天下一の美人小喬の奪取にもあった。荊州にいた劉備軍は南下して軍を立て直そうとするが、途中の当陽県長坂にて追いつかれ、敗走する。 夏口へ逃げた劉備は、部下の諸葛亮(孔明)の提案に従い、孔明を孫権(のちに呉を建国)のもとへ派遣する。孔明は孫権の総司令である周瑜と意気投合し、2つの勢力は共に曹操と戦う同盟を結ぶ。孫権は数万の軍勢を派遣し、劉備軍とともに長江の赤壁付近で曹操軍と相対し、両者互いに決戦のために水軍と陸軍を動かすのだった。
Xiao Feng in Battle of Chenzhuang
Xiao Feng
Shanghai 1920
Billy Fong, a Chinese boy working the Shanghai docks, becomes friends with Dawson Cole, the spoiled son of an American shipping tycoon. As adults, the friends become business partners. Dawson wants to run a legitimate trade, but Billy craves the power that comes with leadership among the cities gangster underground.
Secret Imperial Edict
Our story derives from the period 1644, when the Ming dynasty was threatened with destruction. This forced the emperor to issued a new decree by which the prince and heir to the throne has to leave territory due to threat placed on their lives. Chong Zen punished escape persecution in Nanjing. This course takes the emperor, in the hope that one day the prince would return and take his rightful place on the throne. In the meantime empire and dynasty face complete destruction. On all sides they bid to mercilessly destroy all enemies that comes to hand.