Andrea Zoso


The Other Way
Associate Producer
Russian front, January, 1943. It's hell: the flurries of sleet take the breath away and Sergeant Bisi can make out nothing in the landscape in front of him.
Save Christmas
Executive Producer
Grumpy Dad dislikes Christmas while mum and kids strive to save Santa from animated villain's captivity through solving 8 digital riddles.
Save Christmas
Grumpy Dad dislikes Christmas while mum and kids strive to save Santa from animated villain's captivity through solving 8 digital riddles.
Executive Producer
Tell It Like A Woman comprises of seven segments that are directed by female directors from different parts of the world and shot in Italy, India, Japan, and the U.S. Each segment is an inspirational and empowering story about women, by women, for everyone.
Sposa in rosso
Delegated Producer
Christmas Thieves
Executive Producer
After a robbery goes wrong, Frank and Vince break into a home when two kids mistake them for their babysitters. Hoping to make them fall asleep so they can make their getaway, Frank reads stories from a magic book that he stole during the robbery, taking them to the enchanted world of Arctic Friends. The two thieves have to endure the kid’s hijinks as they make various absurd attempts to escape.
Il caso Pantani - L'omicidio di un campione
Associate Producer
The Pantani case, a film directed by Domenico Ciolfi, tells the story of the last five years in the life of the cyclist from Romagna, in particular from 5 June 1999, when he was suspended from racing, to 14 February 2004, the day of his death. His untimely death in unclear circumstances, which have opened several judicial inquiries, was a shock to the world of cycling, which lost its Pirate on Valentine's Day. The film is a tribute to this Italian sporting hero, remembering him as a young man who, riding his bike, reached several milestones but was defeated in a fatal match.
Co-Executive Producer
Waiting for the Barbarians
Executive Producer
At an isolated frontier outpost, a colonial magistrate suffers a crisis of conscience when an army colonel arrives looking to interrogate the locals about an impending uprising, using cruel tactics that horrify the magistrate.
Co-Executive Producer
Co-Executive Producer
Co-Executive Producer
日本未公開。 作家のポールは、愛する妻が4年前に彼のもとを去ってから、書くことができなくなっていた。ある日、魅力的な不動産屋のローラと行きつけのダイナーで待ち合わせをしていた彼は、そこで男と口論になってしまい、ジャックという名の男に助けられる。礼としてポールは寝床のない彼を家に泊めることにした。素性の分からない男との生活が続くなか、状況が一変。ジャックはポールを人質にとり「2人の物語を書け」と脅迫する。ジャックは一体、何者なのか?そして、窮地に立たされたポールの予想だにしない真実が明かされることになるが…。
いつだってやめられる 10人の怒れる教授たち
Associate Producer
Pietro Zinni is asked by the police to revive the old gang to create a task force that will stop the spread of smart drugs.
Water and Sugar: Carlo Di Palma, the Colours of Life
An account of the life and work of the legendary cinematographer and director Carlo Di Palma (1925-2004) and an emotional journey into the greatest moments of cinema, from the Italian neorealism to the masterpieces of Woody Allen, commented by prestigious figures of world cinema.
Il professor Cenerentolo
Convict Umberto is allowed to work outside prison during daytime as a librarian. There he falls for a beautiful woman who mistakes him for a volunteer helping the inmates — however, like a modern-day Cinderella, every day he must leave and be back to his cell before midnight... will they manage to live happily ever after?
Associate Producer
An American couple, Paul and Marianne, spend their vacation in Italy and experience trouble when Marianne invites a former lover and his teenage daughter to visit, which leads to jealousy and dangerous sexual scenarios.
Hungry Hearts
Consulting Producer
The relationship of a couple who meet by chance in New York City is put to the test when they encounter a life or death circumstance.
In the Fire
Executive Producer
A couple with a young autistic son have to face both the villagers and the local priest who worry the boy is possessed by demonic forces and is the reason for all the village’s woes. After the death of his wife, Don Marquez brings in Grace Victoria Burnham, an American psychiatrist to find out what is ailing the boy.