Fumimaro Takamatsu


War-time jidaigeki by Eisuke Takizawa. Didn't find anything about it online, but Takizawa was a well-regarded director in his time. Akira Kurosawa worked as A.D. on several of his films.
Shingo Mochizuki
This epic depicts the battle between Uesugi Kenshin and Takeda Shingen. The focus of the story is the struggle by the unit leader in charge of the main supply wagons and the supply troops to transport materiel to the Uesugi army. To this are added episodes involving an itinerant woman.
長谷川・ロッパの 家光と彦左
A sentimental tale of the filial love between shogun Iemitsu (matinee idol Hasegawa) and his loyal old retainer Hikoza (comedian Roppa, playing somewhat against type).
Japanese film.
Jiro Tsukita
Prewar jidaigeki starring Denjiro Okochi
水戸黄門 血刃の巻
Final installment of the Okochi / Arai / Yamanaka Mito Komon series and just as good as the others (a good deal longer, as well). Again, this film like the other two is similar in tone and spirit to the Yamanaka Tange Sazen film and would appeal to fans of that film.