Thud! Thud! Thud!
The noise between rooms 401 and 501 has started! Eun Soo, an aspiring writer who is no different from a jobless person, begins to observe the owner of the house upstairs, questioning the noise between the floors that tormented her while searching for a subject for a contest. Ho Kyung, the man upstairs, also began to notice the existence of Eun Soo and eventually, Eun Soo faces a shocking truth... The noise that started today
"Is the story that I only imagined real?’"
Squad Chief Oh
To acquire ancient artifacts for a private collector, a cunning grave robber and his band of ingenious thieves carry out a series of risky heists.
Ancient Korea, 17th century. While the paranoid King Lee Jo of Joseon, vassal of the Qing dynasty, feels surrounded by conspirators and rebels, a dark evil emerges from the bowels of a merchant ship and the exiled Prince Lee Cheung returns to the royal court, ignoring that he will have to lead the few capable of defeating the ambitious humans and the bloody monsters who threaten to destroy the kingdom.
Mr. Choi
The story of the journey of married couple up the social latter. The husband is professor at Seoul National University who is running for the National Assembly, and his wife is a painter.
Mr. Oh
Jang Chil-bok
「王の涙 イ・サンの決断」のヒョンビンと「ベテラン」「極秘捜査」のユ・ヘジンが、韓国と北朝鮮の刑事を演じたアクションエンタテインメント。アメリカドルの偽札を作成する犯罪組織の捜査にあたっていた北朝鮮の刑事イム・チョルリョンは、上司の裏切りにより仲間と妻を殺されてしまう。偽札作成の銅版を奪って韓国へ逃亡した組織から秘密裏に銅版を取り返すべく、北朝鮮はチョルリョンをソウルに派遣。北朝鮮から国際犯罪者の逮捕要請を受けた韓国は、歴史上初となる南北共助捜査を極秘に契約する。しかし、韓国サイドは北朝鮮の本当の思惑を探るため、担当刑事のカン・ジンテに偽装捜査を指令。ジンテはチョルリョンの監視任務を遂行する。ヒョンビンが北朝鮮サイドの刑事チョルリョン役を、ヘジンが韓国サイドの庶民派熱血刑事ジンテ役を演じるほか、「ビューティー・インサイド」などで知られ、2017年10月に事故で他界したキム・ジュヒョク、アイドルグループ「少女時代」のユナらが出演。
Government Aide (uncredited)
Driver Choi
Mr. Lee
A disgruntled henchman teams up with an ambitious prosecutor to bring down a leading presidential candidate and the news editor behind him who is truly pulling the strings.
Yi-Hwan is a former professional baseball player. He was involved in fixing games and lost everything. Gang boss Sang-Ha runs a money lending business and a gambling location. He makes Yi-Hwan work for him. Meanwhile, Yi-Hwan falls for bar owner Yeon-Soo.
Detective Chief
Detective Jang
After being kidnapped as a small child and raised by the five men who abducted him, a teenage boy is now forced to join their life in crime.
Jang Jun-su
Three men who share a past participate in a mixed martial arts reality show where they have to fight against other contestants to win the prize money.
Mr. Kim
A reclusive elderly poet feels the fire of his youth when gamine schoolgirl Eun-gyo enters his life, to the chagrin of the old man's assistant.
Agent Tailing Tae-soon
北朝鮮の工作員として韓国に潜入していたジウォン(カン・ドンウォン)は、“影”と呼ばれる暗殺者(チョン・グックァン)と共にある指令を受ける。彼らは、国家の裏切り者である金正日の身内を葬ることに成功するが、国家情報員ハンギュ(ソン・ガンホ)に計画をかぎ付けられ包囲される。ジウォンは何とか逃げ切るが、その後再び長い潜伏生活を送ることになる。 『渇き』のソン・ガンホと『M(エム)』のカン・ドンウォンのW主演となった、男同士のきずなを描いた感動の人間ドラマ。北朝鮮のスパイと、彼を追う元国家情報員の宿命の対決と共に、彼らの間に芽生える深いきずなを描く。『映画は映画だ』でデビューを飾ったチャン・フンがメガホンを取り、敵同士でありながら次第に心を通わせていく男たちの悲しい現実に迫る。主演の二人の豪快なアクションもさることながら、その劇的な彼らの人生に胸が震える。
Police Officer
The story takes place in occupied Korea at the start of the 20th century, where a young student in medicine discovers the murdered body of the son of a government official. Being scared of being accused, he decides to hire Hong Jin-ho (a detective) to help him find the murderer before the police accuse him of the murder.
A middle-aged gangster's lifetime of mistakes catch up with him as his personal and professional life is destroyed.
Isolation Ward Constable (uncredited)
Detective 1
An old bachelor Seok-joong, who has no experience in dating, falls in love at first sight with a prostitute named Eun-ha. At first Eun-ha shows no interest in Seok-joong, but gradually she begins to be flattered by his devotion and eventually falls in love with him. They marry. However, one day, Eun-ha finds out that she is infected with HIV and decides to leave Seok-joong...
Yeon-Ho's friend (uncredited)
An introvert, indifferent woman joins a high school as a student teacher, under supervision of a shameless, nymphomaniac man who is a year younger than her. On a school trip, the supervisor tells the trainee that he wants to have sex with her. The movie deals with the woman willing yet indifferent to indulge in physical relationship with her professional senior. Ethics, morals, feelings, love show up and are turned down.
Kim Sun-woo is an enforcer and manager for a hotel owned by a cold, calculative crime boss, Kang who assigns Sun-woo to a simple errand while he is away on a business trip; to shadow his young mistress, Hee-soo, for fear that she may be cheating on him with a younger man with the mandate that he must kill them both if he discovers their affair.
Assistant Director
A successful film director and his wife are kidnapped by an extra, who forces the director to play his sadistic games. If he fails, his wife’s fingers will be chopped off one by one every five minutes.
Assistant Director (segment "Cut")
An Asian cross-cultural trilogy of horror films from accomplished indie directors: Dumplings, directed by Fruit Chan of Hong Kong, Cut directed by Park Chan-Wook of Korea, and Box directed by Miike Takashi of Japan.
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