Takeshi Tajima


Lighting Technician
Street racers challenge each other to exceed the current speed record held by the F1 racer. However, in order to break the record of the Megalopolis Express Freeway, you need to have "luck" in addition to a high-powered street-machine and driving technique. And you must be able to conquer the "Devil’s Curve". Racers bet their dreams and their lives against one another in a dangerous game of speed.
Lighting Director
The story of the love game will not end here.
Lighting Technician
Fukami, a secretary engaged to company president Kaido, her employer, is invited by his close friends, the Nogis, to a three-day-two-night tour. The tour group is traveling in a luxurious coach to Lake Megami in the Tateshina Plains. On the way, they are disturbed to hear that Shirai, a hostess who was supposed to come along on the tour, has been murdered. And the next day, the body of Hasegawa, another tour member, is floating in Lake Megami...
Lighting Director
Roman Porno from 1986. A man and a woman make love without knowing one another's names. Afterwards, they introduce themselves as Emi Ichinose and Haruji Kobayashi, and they begin a relationship. Emi feels empty without a man. Kobayashi has a wife and child but wants Emi's body and seeks something from her that his wife cannot provide.
タイム・アバンチュール 絶頂5秒前
Lighting Technician
A young woman who is prone to romantic dreams involving her supervisor time-travels from 1986 to 2001 and becomes involved with a private investigator who is working on a divorce case and is having his own marital difficulties.
赤い禁猟区 ハードコアの夜
Keigo, whose mistress is Michiko, 22, is unhappy with meetings three days a week and eventually brings Michiko to his home. The desire for betrayal that was sleeping in his wife Satomi finally exploded due to her husband's abnormality, burst out like a dam, and finally turned into a "double marriage" strategy, far beyond her husband's infidelity...
花と蛇 飼育篇
Lighting Technician
When successful business man refuses to save the business of his former business partner, his wife, a private teacher of written arts, and her student are kidnapped. The former business partner plans to execute his revenge by forcing both women into sexual slavery and forcefully train them into becoming SM porn stars.
箱の中の女 処女いけにえ
Lighting Director
花と蛇 地獄篇
Lighting Director
団鬼六原作の「花と蛇」が初代SMの女王・谷ナオミ主演作以来の禁を解き、2度目のシリーズ映画化!主演は麻生かおり。脚本・桂千穂、ロマンポルノのマエストロ西村昭五郎監督によるSM巨篇。 成田に向かう高級車の後部座席で、遠山静子は夫・義隆の執拗な愛撫に身悶えしていた。遠山家に代々仕える運転手の川田は、白薔薇のように美しい静子に恋心を抱いていた。遠山家には前妻の子である高校生の娘・京子がいたが、静子が遠山家に入ったことでグレてしまい、葉桜団というスケバングループのリーダーになっていた。京子から電話があり、仲間からリンチを受けそうだから三百万円持って来て欲しいとのことだった。静子が川田と約束の場所に行くとリンチは狂言で、京子と仲間の銀子たちは静子に襲いかかり裸にして縛り上げると、口封じのために恥ずかしい写真を撮影した。静子は自分の秘部がいじられいたぶられると、意に反して快楽が高ぶっていくのを感じていた。暴力団・田代組の津山が現われ、川田と京子にバクチの借金の返済を迫った。津山はこの狂言の仕掛け人だった。京子は三百万円から払おうとしたが銀子は承知せず仲間割れしてしまう。そこで津山は静子、京子、川田を田代組長のところへ連れていった。静子に敵意を持つ京子を利用して、田代は二人をサドとマゾに調教していく。剃毛、そして浣腸で静子はのたうち、京子はサディスティックな喜びをおぼえていた。
女子大生 温泉芸者
Lighting Director
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
美加マドカ 指を濡らす女
Lighting Director
団鬼六 SM大全集
Lighting Technician
Selected scenes from Roman Porno titles are put into the context of a story by adding book-end sequences that turn the film clips into something more than the average compilation film.
Lighting Director
Roman Porno from 1984.
Lighting Technician
A high school science teacher is popular among male students, and this worked out badly for her...
Lighting Director
Roman Porno from 1983.
Lighting Director
A lovesick midinette ends up accepting a date with a stranger who buys her flowers every day. Charmed by his playboy physique, she moves in with him and submits to his fantasies.
ズームアップ 卒業写真
Lighting Director
Yoko is a young woman who takes a job working as a nude model for a Japanese pornographic magazine. At first, she is ashamed and denies the pictures are of her when her boyfriend sees them. Feeling bad about her decision to model, she tries buying back the picture negatives but is unsuccessful. Embracing her new job, she is introduced to new acts of depravity… shaving, enemas, sex toys, lesbianism and even fruit come into play. In the end, she doesn’t want a banana or a fist. She wants a REAL man, and she’s determined to find one.
セクシードール 阿部定3世
Lighting Director
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Lighting Technician
An eros drama depicting a couple or lover indulging in swapping in search of pleasure. Yoshii, a fledgling reporter for swapping magazines, visits Mr. and Mrs. Sakura. Yoshii experiences the technique of Sakura's wife, Akane.
温泉芸者 湯舟で一発
Lighting Director
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
聖子の太股 女湯小町
Lighting Director
宇能鴻一郎の 女医も濡れるの
Lighting Director
Nikkatsu Roman Porno from 1982
Lighting Coordinator
A High Class Call Girl is revisited by her ex lover who she thought died 5 years prior.
Lighting Director
A young man covets his sister-in-law, and spies on her in the bath using a two-way mirror. His desire grows as he watches her have sex with his older brother. Will the voyeur's lust get the best of him?
ワイセツ家族 母と娘
Lighting Director
Lighting Director
Roman Porno from 1982. A young woman embezzles five million yen from her company and flees with her boyfriend, attempting to start a new life...
セクシー・ぷりん 癖になりそう
Lighting Director
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
肉体保険 ベッドでサイン
Lighting Director
Roman Porno from 1981.
モア・セクシー 獣のようにもう一度
Lighting Director
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
愛欲生活 夜よ、濡らして
A woman endures the life of a prostitute for a yakuza pimp.
Lighting Director
単身赴任 情事の秘密
An office lady follows his boss, whose work affairs had been discovered inside the company and he has been ordered to be transferred to another workplace.
女教師 汚れた放課後
Lighting Director
A teacher, Sakiko Kurata, receives a phone call regarding one of her former students. Young Sueko is accused of being a prostitute and has requested Sakiko’s help. This minx seduces random strangers for sex, but does not ask for payment. Sakiko has moved to another town and barely remembers Sueko, but there’s something about her that awakens painful memories of her own secretive past. What is that strange paint thinner smell on Sueko? Who is the man in the nylon ski mask that violently assaulted Sakiko many years ago? In her search for answers, Sakiko discovers that her past may have inadvertently destroyed another family’s future.
百恵の唇 愛獣
Lighting Director
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
セックスドック 淫らな治療
Lighting Director
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Lighting Director
Roman Porno from 1980.
Lighting Director
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
単身赴任 新妻の秘密
Lighting Director
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
おんなの細道 濡れた海峡
Lighting Technician
A man travels with his pill-popping girlfriend to the headquarters of her yakuza boss husband, in order to claim her for himself.
宇能鴻一郎の 濡れて悶える
Lighting Director
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
オリオンの殺意より 情事の方程式
Lighting Technician
Toshihiko, a high school boy, hates Kozo, his father, enough to kill him. His mother had lived in terror of him and, at last, broken in spirit, she had left and her pitiful departing figure is still seared in Toshihiko's mind. Soon, Kozo marries Asako who is young and beautiful. An idea forms in Toshihiko's mind to get even with his father for the shabby way he had treated his mother. He wonders if he can do it through Asako.
昼下りの情事 すすり泣き
Lighting Director
Roman Porno from 1977.
ホステス情報 潮ふき三姉妹
Lighting Director
Roman Porno from 1975.