Kip Chapman

Kip Chapman


Kip Chapman


London, England, April 1980. Six terrorists assault the Embassy of Iran and take hostages. For six days, tense negotiations are held while the authorities decide whether a military squad should intervene.
Aftershock follows four groups of people in the minutes, hours and days after Wellington is struck by a magnitude 8.2 earthquake and subsequent tsunami. Buried office workers must pull together. Strangers, caught by the tsunami on a ruined motorway, put themselves in danger to save others. A mother must reunite her family. And, at the centre of the rescue operation, a controller is bunkered down at Wellington’s Emergency Management Office.
The Graffiti of Mr. Tupaia
When a Cook Island school cleaner answers an unusual message on the wall of a girls' toilet cubicle, his life, and the life of the mysterious author, will never be the same again. Based on the Australian short story The Graffiti of Mr Kynyatta by Michael Griffith.
Nothing Special
A young boy is tormented by his mother's conviction that he is the new Messiah, and after leaving home, he tries to limit all human contact and adopt a completely boring, normal lifestyle. This resolution is tested when he meets an exceedingly attractive young woman at work just as he is named employee of the month: an occasion which allows his crazed mother to locate him.
Cave In
When a cave in threatens the lives of four miners, including a father and son, it becomes a fight for survival. The superintendent (Mimi Rogers) struggles against the ticking clock to save her crew and family from impending doom.