Al Griswold


Special Effects Coordinator
Special Effects
Special Effects
ニューヨーク、クイーンズ区のパトロール警官、チャーリ ー・ラングは、下町の人気者である。仕事熱心で気の優しい彼は、住民たちに親しまれている平凡な生活に満足していた。イヴォンヌ・ビアジは下町のコーヒーショップで働く、心根のいいウエイトレス。だが、別居中の夫エディの不始末を被って破産宣告を受けている身であった。 ある日、イヴォンヌの店に立ち寄ったチャーリーは、チップの持ち合わせがなく、「持っていた宝くじが当たったら、賞金の半分を君にあげる」と約束する。なんと、そのくじが400万ドルという大金に当たった。200万ドルの贈り物に、ことのほか喜ぶイヴォンヌ。おとぎ話のような逸話に、マスコミがさっそく飛びついたのだった…。
State of Grace
Special Effects
Hell's Kitchen, New York. Terry Noonan returns home after a ten-year absence. He soon reconnects with Jackie, a childhood friend and member of the Irish mob, and rekindles his love affair with Jackie's sister Kathleen.
See No Evil, Hear No Evil
Special Effects Supervisor
A murder takes place in the shop of David Lyons, a deaf man who fails to hear the gunshot being fired. Outside, blind man Wally Karue hears the shot but cannot see the perpetrator. Both are arrested, but escape to form an unlikely partnership. Being chased by both the law AND the original killers, can the pair work together to outwit them all?
悪魔の棲む家 PART 3D
Special Effects
To debunk the Amityville house's infamous reputation and take advantage of a rock-bottom asking price, skeptical journalist John Baxter buys the place and settles in to write his first novel. But as soon as the ink on the deed has dried, people who have come into contact with John and the house begin to meet with shocking fates. Is it all just coincidence, or is the house really the gateway to hell?
Night of the Juggler
Special Effects
An ex New York cop is desperate to find his kidnapped daughter.
The Goodbye Girl
Special Effects
After being dumped by her live-in boyfriend, an unemployed dancer and her 10-year-old daughter are reluctantly forced to live with a struggling off-Broadway actor.
The Seven-Ups
Special Effects
A tough detective who is part of an elite New York City unit is trying to find out who killed his partner, but uncovers a plot to kidnap mobsters for money.