Jeff Stolhand


RAIN is a 23-minute original independent short fan film created by Maya Glick, directed by Zane Rutledge and Jeff Stolhand, and produced by Matt Joyce. Inspired by the "punk" incarnation of the Marvel superhero Storm of the X-Men. Influenced by the more dystopian stories of the X-Men franchise as well as the seminal comic LifeDeath by Chris Claremont and Barry Windsor-Smith, this original story takes a broken mutant hero "Rain" from the lowest depths of despair into the darker recesses of her own shattered memory. If she is to survive, she must discover a new identity and somehow rediscover her lost power.
RAIN is a 23-minute original independent short fan film created by Maya Glick, directed by Zane Rutledge and Jeff Stolhand, and produced by Matt Joyce. Inspired by the "punk" incarnation of the Marvel superhero Storm of the X-Men. Influenced by the more dystopian stories of the X-Men franchise as well as the seminal comic LifeDeath by Chris Claremont and Barry Windsor-Smith, this original story takes a broken mutant hero "Rain" from the lowest depths of despair into the darker recesses of her own shattered memory. If she is to survive, she must discover a new identity and somehow rediscover her lost power.
Quest for the Monkey God
From the VHS case (typos intact): Quest for the Monkey God is an adventure comedy about the oriental madman, Lame Duck, who is after the Patched Monkey of Arquette an ancient artifact that promises immortality. The monkey, however, has fallen into the hands of the ravishing Kit Kane. Ms. Kane wil do anything to stop Duck's maniacal plans, even if it meants working with mercenary Carl Miller, the gun wielding egomaniac who follows Kit through adventure after adventure. From poisonous snakes to rollicking fist fights, to deadly swordplay, Kit and Carl risk everything in their "Quest for the Monkey God".
Quest for the Monkey God
From the VHS case (typos intact): Quest for the Monkey God is an adventure comedy about the oriental madman, Lame Duck, who is after the Patched Monkey of Arquette an ancient artifact that promises immortality. The monkey, however, has fallen into the hands of the ravishing Kit Kane. Ms. Kane wil do anything to stop Duck's maniacal plans, even if it meants working with mercenary Carl Miller, the gun wielding egomaniac who follows Kit through adventure after adventure. From poisonous snakes to rollicking fist fights, to deadly swordplay, Kit and Carl risk everything in their "Quest for the Monkey God".