Japanese comedy film.
In this Japanese drama, a dry goods merchant's daughter is surprised to discover that she has a twin sister. In rural Japan it was thought that twins bring bad luck, so the sister was abandoned at birth. Later her parents tell her that her sister was kidnapped. The woman doesn't believe this and when she eventually meets her twin, both women are involved in love affairs. The merchant's daughter is seeing an educated fellow. Trouble ensues when she begins suspecting that he may be more interested in her sister.
周平(笠智衆)は、妻とは死別し、長男の幸一(佐田啓二)は結婚して家を出て団地暮らし。いまは娘の路子(岩下志麻)と次男の和夫(三上真一郎)と3人安らかに暮らしていた。 ある日、周平はいつものように友人の河合(中村伸郎)、堀江(北龍二)と酒を飲みに行く。 話題は路子の嫁行きの話になり、まだ路子を嫁にやることなど考えてもいなかった周平は悩み始める…。 日本映画界の巨匠・小津安二郎監督の最後の作品で、妻に先立たれた男とその子供達の幸せの中にもなぜか潜む孤独と寂しさを描いた作品。
Japanese comedy film.
Takako Ando
Movie directed by Kunio Matoi
A country boss gives up his way of life because of his daughter's marriage.
The legend of the birth of Shintoism. In Fourth Century Japan, the Emperor's son Ouso expects to succeed his father on the throne, but Otomo, the Emperor's vassal, prefers Ouso's stepbrother, and conspires to have Ouso die on a dangerous mission he has contrived. But Ouso prevails in the mission and returns to his father's castle under a new name, Prince Yamato Takeru. Otomo plots to have the Prince sent into even greater danger, but Otomo is unaware that the gods have favored the Prince and the outcome is far from what any of them expected.
Based on the novel by Toyoko Yamazaki.
Japanese fantasy film.
Melodrama about a young factory girl who "chooses riches over chastity".
歌手三浦洸一の時代劇初出演作。歌いまくる三浦洸一、斬りまくる沖涼太郎。聞いて楽しく見て面白い波瀾痛快時代劇。 主題歌「唄祭けんか道中」ほか吉田正作曲の「弁天小僧」「浅太郎しぐれ」「浅間追分」「粋な船頭さん」ら馴染みの曲が本編中に豊富に挿入されている。浮世の義理で草鞋をはいた旅人、伊豆の弥太郎と弟分である三崎の幸太郎の明朗痛快な道中を描く。沖諒太郎の痛快な啖呵と華麗な立ち回りが見どころ。