Production Coordinator
Production Coordinator
130年前に建てられて以来、カサデラコリーナは影のあるゴシック様式の建物であり、多くの伝説と悲劇的な死の噂に囲まれ、一人で立っていました。 邸宅の過去に興味をそそられたデビッドマーロー博士は、他の3人とチームを組んでいます。 恐怖の性質に関する研究。 そして、家はそのテナントの恐怖を目覚めさせます...
Production Coordinator
Script Supervisor
太古から生き続ける不死の一族。彼らは首を斬られない限り死ぬことはない。そして、最後の一人が残ったとき、未知の秘宝が蘇る……。「レイザーバック 」のラッセル・マルケイ監督が、クリストファー・ランバート、ショーン・コネリーなどの布陣で、現代のニューヨークを舞台に、謎の一族<<ハイランダー>>の戦いを描いたSFファンタジー。
Script Supervisor
Daryl is a normal 10-year-old boy in many ways. However, unbeknown to his foster parents and friends, Daryl is actually a government-created robot with superhuman reflexes and mental abilities. Even his name has a hidden meaning -- it's actually an acronym for Data Analyzing Robot Youth Life-form. When the organization that created him deems the "super soldier" experiment a failure and schedules Daryl to be disassembled, it is up to a few rogue scientists to help him escape.
Production Coordinator
Janet and Brad Majors, unhappily married, are separated after appearing on a game show. Janet becomes a superstar while Brad is thrown into a mental hospital. But what does fast food magnate Farley Flavors have up his sleeve?
Production Assistant
Production Coordinator
Thomas Jerome Newton is an alien who has come to Earth in search of water to save his home planet. Aided by lawyer Oliver Farnsworth, Thomas uses his knowledge of advanced technology to create profitable inventions. While developing a method to transport water, Thomas meets Mary-Lou, a quiet hotel clerk, and begins to fall in love with her. Just as he is ready to leave Earth, Thomas is intercepted by the U.S. government, and his entire plan is threatened.
Production Coordinator
Former Irish Republican Army member Niall Hennessy lives in Belfast, Ireland, with his wife and daughter amid the ongoing Irish-British conflict. Though he still knows people in the IRA, including fugitive leader Tobin, Niall has given up his violent ways. One day his family is caught in a chaotic street shootout and killed by British forces. Overwhelmed with rage and hunted by a Scotland Yard inspector, Niall heads to London to exact his deadly revenge.
Production Secretary
A young hippie couple rent a secluded cabin on the beach in an attempt to re-connect with each other and save their marriage. Unfortunately, the man they rented the cabin from is a military-brat sociopath with two dogs more vicious than his temper.