David Castellano


David Cross: I'm From The Future
Camera Operator
Shot in Brooklyn, NY in November of 2021, comedian David Cross tackles Covid-19, anti-vaxxers and more.
ミランダ・シングス・ライブ: お礼はいらないわよ!
Camera Operator
Viral video star Miranda Sings and her real-world alter ego Colleen Ballinger share the stage in a special packed with music, comedy and "magichinry."
Gad Elmaleh: American Dream
Camera Operator
In his first English-language special, comedian Gad Elmaleh gleefully digs into America's food obsessions, dating culture, slang, and more.
Bo Burnham: Make Happy
Camera Operator
Combining his trademark wit and self-deprecating humor with original music, Bo Burnham offers up his unique twist on life in this stand-up special about life, death, sexuality, hypocrisy, mental illness and Pringles cans.