Greg Haiste

Greg Haiste


Greg Haiste is an actor and writer, known for Ken Loach's Star Wars (2015), Starfish (2016) and Social Networking Socially: Society Through Technology (2016).


Greg Haiste


How would you react if your father's last wish was a little bit out there? For siblings Roz and Elli, it becomes a battleground for who will determine their pop's final journey.
South Dakota Delegate
19世紀、アメリカは電気の誕生による新時代を迎えようとしていた。白熱電球の事業化を成功させたトーマス・エジソンは天才発明家と崇められ、大統領からの仕事も平気で断る傲慢な男だった。裕福な実業家ジョージ・ウェスティングハウスは、大量の発電機が必要なエジソンの"直流"による送電方式より、遠くまで電気を送れて安価である"交流"による送電方式の方が優れていると考えていた。若手発明家のテスラも、効率的な"交流"の活用を提案するが、エジソンに一蹴されてしまう。 そんな中、ウェスティングハウスは"交流"での実演会を成功させ、話題をさらう。そのニュースにエジソンは激怒、"交流"による送電方式は危険で人を殺すと、ネガティブキャンペーンで世論を誘導していく・・・ こうして世紀の"電流戦争"が幕を開けた!訴訟や駆け引き、裏工作が横行する中、ウェスティングハウスはエジソンと決裂したテスラに近づく──果たしてこのビジネスバトルを制するのはどちらか──!?
Tom's Father
Based on the real story of Tom and Nicola Ray from Rutland. Their perfect life is totally ruined in a single moment after Tom had developed sepsis. While her husband was in coma, Nicola gave birth to their second child on the other side of the same hospital. Within a matter of days, sepsis would rob Tom of both his arms and legs, and left his face severely disfigured. As an ordinary man, Tom never put himself at risk — he just woke up two months later in a nightmare, a face-off quadruple amputee... This incredible story of survival shows what can be overcome when love is unconditional.
Ken Loach's Star Wars
Trailer for Ken Loach's new sci fi movie set in Northern England. (Sort of.) A parody by Haiste and Lawrence. First Prize ShortCom 2016 jury select winner.
Ken Loach's Star Wars
Trailer for Ken Loach's new sci fi movie set in Northern England. (Sort of.) A parody by Haiste and Lawrence. First Prize ShortCom 2016 jury select winner.
Richard II - Live at Shakespeare's Globe
Ruling by divine right, but himself ruled by caprice, King Richard exiles Henry Bolingbroke and seizes his father’s vast estates. While Richard is distracted by a rebellion in Ireland, Bolingbroke returns to England, intent on recovering his rightful property and, with the support of his disgruntled peers, perhaps seizing the crown itself.