Cinzia Susino

Cinzia Susino


Cinzia Susino


シチリアーノ 裏切りの美学
Nightmare Woman
1980年代初頭、シチリアではマフィアの全面戦争が激化していた。パレルモ派の大物ブシェッタは抗争の仲裁に失敗しブラジルに逃れるが、残された家族や仲間達はコルレオーネ派の報復によって次々と抹殺されていった。ブラジルで逮捕されイタリアに引き渡されたブシェッタは、マフィア撲滅に執念を燃やすファルコーネ判事から捜査への協力を求められる。麻薬と殺人に明け暮れ堕落した犯罪組織コーザ・ノストラに失望していたブシェッタは、固い信頼関係で結ばれたファルコーネに組織の罪を告白する決意をするが、それはコーザ・ノストラの ”血の掟” に背く行為だった……。仁義なき抗争の果てに、名誉ある男の美学を貫こうとブシェッタが下した決断とは−−。
Die in One Day
After a failed marriage, Richard is in search of his daughter Mindy. He meets Sasha, an aspiring actress who promises to help him. But the hope to get some quick cash by performing in a 24 hours play soon turns out to be a bloody game.
Dangerous Lies Vol. 1
Marleene (A Hidden Project)
Dalle parti di Astrid
Astrid's aunt
The Last Will Be the Last
Luciana is a factory worker married to the love of her life. She is living the simple and quiet life she’s always desired: she works and she is deeply in love with her husband Stefano, even if he doesn’t always have a job and they both need to struggle to keep on going. They are happy and always on each other’s side, but shortly after she finds out she’s pregnant, she gets fired and her world starts falling apart. After having tried to have a baby for years, the joy of impending motherhood lasts only a few months. Begging for help but with no one ready to listen to her, completely desperate and shattered, Luciana decides to kidnap the managing director of her former company, asking for the justice she deserves.
Subject 0: Shattered memories
Robert Williams is called by the police during a business meeting. His wife Lauren is in shock, after finding a dead man in her home. More dead bodies are found in the city the day after. The modus operandi looks the same but there's something not quite right. Is it the same killer or a copycat? Police start investigating the mysterious murders.
Happily Mixed Up
A psychoanalyst learns to have an illness and as a consequence he decides to quit his job. All his patients get together to find a way to make him feel better.
Lilith, a Vampire who Comes BackI
Lusilla Helm e Vampira Lilith
Lusilla Helm has to marry Baron Ludwig Von Reder against her will. But her honeymoon does not last very long. The poor girl dies and is buried inside the family tomb. After a short while, another woman announces herself at the doors of the baron's mansion. Her looks recall Lusilla's but in a disturbing way. As soon as the mysterious woman sets foot in the rooms where the baron's former wife used to live, strange noises and happenings start to haunt the silent halls of the house.