Norman Mora

Norman Mora


Norman Mora


弾丸刑事 怒りの奪還
Stunt Double
Bare Knuckles
Women will go to extreme lengths for those they love and single mother Samantha Rogers is no exception. Along with her young daughter, Milla, Sam struggles to make ends meet, taking her licks as a stunt double by day and cocktail waitressing at a rowdy bar at night. When Sam uses her skills to end a bar fight between two drunk women, down and out fight promoter Sonny Cool sees an opportunity to get back into the game. He tells Sam all about the "show," a high class, underground illegal all female bare knuckle fight tournament, where brutality and elegance mix with high stakes and deception. Is the price too much for her...? Bare Knuckles..... a knockout punch of strength and determination, inspired by a true story.
Dark Moon Rising
Small-town girl meets mysterious drifter boy, they fall in love. Only in this case, the boy brings with him a family curse and unimaginable horror that rains hell upon the small town
Depth Charge
Stunt Double
Jason Gedrick and Eric Roberts lead the cast of this thriller about a submarine captain who attempts to hold Washington, D.C. hostage for a billion dollars, and the heroic doctor who struggles to thwart the plan before the situation escalates.
七つの海を駆けめぐった海賊の時代が終ろうとしていた。世界制覇をもくろむ東インド会社のベケット卿は、“深海の悪霊”ディヴィ・ジョーンズを操り、海賊たちを次々と葬っていく。彼らの生き残る道はただ一つ。9 人の“伝説の海賊”を招集し、世界中の海賊たちを蜂起させ決戦を挑むのみ。だが、その鍵を握る9人目の人物こそ、溺死した船乗りが沈む永遠の地獄“デイヴィ・ジョーンズ・ロッカー(海の墓場)”に囚われているキャプテン・ジャック・スパロウだった…。総督の令嬢エリザベスと海賊の血を引くウィルは、甦った不死身の海賊キャプテン・バルボッサと共に、ジャック奪還の手掛りを握る中国海賊の長サオ・フェンのもとへと旅立つ。彼らの運命が再び交差するとき、海賊の史上最初にして最後の決戦の火蓋が切られる―。