Henshui Zhang


The Story of Three Loves: Part 2
Continuing the story of Part I, the plots follows the tragic fate of teahouse songstress Shen, who is forced to become the mistress of the evil warlord Liu. When the latter discovers that she has had a secret rendezvous with her lover Fan, he tortures her to insanity. A fine melodrama, indeed the best a studio can offer in its time, The Story of Three Loves is also the last film of screen diva Grace Chang who plays two roles, the tender and affectionate Shen, and the arrogant and spoiled He...
The Story of Three Loves: Part 1
Based upon a hugely popular romance novel by Shanghai writer Zhang Henshui, the film tells the intriguing relationship between a rich Beijing college boy and three young women: a street artist, an upper class lady, and a teahouse songstress.
The Beauty's Favour