One day, Chizuru (Nana Asakawa) and Mioto (Aino Kuribayashi) enters problem-solving office Kurogarasu. The two girls look naive, but Chizuru is a leader of a enjo kosai group. Their group makes money by having young girls date older men for money. Thugs are threatening Chizuru for money. Chizuru pays 2.5 million yen to the problem-solving office Kurogarasu for their help. Kuroto (Tsubasa Sakiyama), Yuya (Keisuke Ueda) and Hina (Moga Mogami) take the case and begin to investigate the thugs, but they find something unexpected.
Kazuki works as a rookie host at a host club. One of his regular customers is Mai, but she disappears. Mai has a tab of 6 million yen with the host club. The bar owner orders Kazuki to find Mai within a week or Kazuki will have to pay back her debt. Kazuki turns to problem-solving office Kurogarasu. There, Kuroto, Yuya and Hina are hired by Kazuki to find Mai and he offers them 3 million yen.
Concert film by Dempagumi.inc recorded on January 9, 2017
山田孝之が、違法な高金利で金を貸す闇金融業者・丑嶋馨に扮する「闇金ウシジマくん」シリーズの最終章。ウシジマが闇金融の世界に身を置くことになった過去の因縁が明らかにされる。ある日、ウシジマの中学時代の同級生・竹本優希がカウカウファイナンスに現れ、生活のための金を貸してほしいと言うが、ウシジマはその頼みを断る。金を借りられずに事務所を去った竹本は、住み込みで労働ができるという「純愛の家」に入居することになるが、「純愛の家」の実態は、入居者に過酷な労働を強いる貧困ビジネスだった。ウシジマの中学時代を知る竹本役を永山絢斗が演じ、真飛聖、真野恵里菜、YOUNG DAIS、安藤政信、間宮祥太朗ら豪華キャストがシリーズのラストを飾る。
Features two concerts of Dempagumi.inc's national tour in 2016 held at NHK Hall and Zepp Tokyo.
Dempagumi.inc concert from May 6, 2015
Dempagumi.inc concert recorded on February 11, 2015
Android Zero-One / Mana
The Super Dimensional Demon Etelgar forces a beautiful young alien princess to use her magic to trap Ultraman all across the galaxy! In order to stop Etelgar and save their fellow Ultra Heroes, two brave young men named Hikaru and Sho must transform into Ultraman Ginga and Ultraman Victory. But will even their combined powers be enough to defeat Etelgar and his army?
Dempagumi.inc concert recorded in May 6, 2014
Dempagumi.inc concert film from 2014
Dempagumi.inc concert film recorded October 31, 2013
Dempagumi.inc concert film recorded September 16, 2013
Dempagumi.inc concert film from January 20, 2013
Dempagumi.inc concert film from September 16, 2012