Ghost Ji Chan, who has lost all his memories, asks for help to Jung Se Ri, who can hear him. Jung Se Ri agrees to help him to keep some distance from Ji Chan. Jung Se Ri and Ji Chan tracks back on his memory to find Ji Chan's lost memories. In that process, the truth about Ji Chan's death is revealed. An emotion of love blooms amidst Ji Chan's agony and Jung Se Ri's consolation... Somewhere between horror and romance.
2020 GFriend Online Concert 'GFriend C:ON' is an online concert by GFriend. The announcement was released on October 6 including the promotional cover and the date of the concert.
Go Go GFriend! is GFriend's 2nd Asia tour. The tour was held at South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, and Japan.
2018年1月、初の単独コンサートを大盛況に終え一歩成長した姿で8ヶ月振りにBuddy(バディ/ファンの総称)の元を訪れたGFRIEND。5つのテーマに分けて行われた『2018 GFRIEND FIRST CONCERT [SEASON OF GFRIEND] ENCORE』コンサートでは、1月の舞台では見ることのできなかった特別なステージを披露。美しく清純な姿はもちろん、ブラック・スーツをまとったシックでパワフルな魅力も披露している。さらに、VCR、リハーサル、D-DAYメイキング・フィルムには、可愛らしく愛らしいGFRIENDの魅力がたっぷりと収録されている。