Masahisa Ishida


Dark Warrior
A Silicon Valley whiz kid, billionaire creator of the most intelligent computer on Earth, has got bigger problems than being on the cover of Time magazine. The thing is, the corporation he works for is planning to use his ideas to take over the world. As if that weren't enough, they're planning to wipe the slate of humanity clean and install their own race of preprogrammed superbeings in their place. The unwitting prototype?...
北斗の拳 TV総集編2 南斗六聖拳! 義の星の男レイ
Compilation film covering the Rei story arc of the Fist of the North Star TV Series
北斗の拳 TV総集編1 ユリア!永遠に・・・ さらばシンよ!!
Compilation film covering the Shin story arc of the Fist of the North Star TV Series