Rick Law

出生 : 1969-12-15,


Tyrus: The Tyrus Wong Story
The unlikely story of 106-year old Chinese American artist Tyrus Wong, and how he overcame poverty and racism in America to become a celebrated modernist painter, Hollywood sketch artist, and “Disney Legend” for his groundbreaking work on the classic animated film, Bambi.
Leonard Knight: A Man & His Mountain
Associate Producer
If you had something to say to the world, how would you do it? 'A Man & His Mountain' is the story of Leonard Knight. A man whose conviction and dedication led him on a thirty year journey to spread the message burned on his heart. Here is a look at the creator of Salvation Mountain.
Drew: The Man Behind the Poster
Associate Producer
A documentary on legendary movie-poster artist Drew Struzan.
Drew: The Man Behind the Poster
A documentary on legendary movie-poster artist Drew Struzan.
Blue Like Jazz
Associate Producer
A young man must find his own way as his Southern Baptist roots don't seem to be acceptable at his new liberal arts college.
2001年9月11日午前8時42分にニュージャージー州ニューアークからサンフランシスコに向けて飛び立ったユナイテッド93便。テロリストに占拠された直後、乗客たちは家族との電話から彼らが今置かれている状況を知る。自分たちもどこかのターゲットに向かっていることを・・・ 愛する者に最期のメッセージを残して彼らは行動を開始した――。
ライオン・キング2 シンバズ・プライド
Art Designer
The circle of life continues for Simba, now fully grown and in his rightful place as the king of Pride Rock. Simba and Nala have given birth to a daughter, Kiara who's as rebellious as her father was. But Kiara drives her parents to distraction when she catches the eye of Kovu, the son of the evil lioness, Zira. Will Kovu steal Kiara's heart?