Robert Fortier

出生 : 1936-11-05, West Hollywood, California, USA

死亡 : 2005-01-01


Robert Fortier was a dancer, actor, boat-builder, sailor and a commercial fisherman. A character actor and dancer with stage experience from Broadway in "Pal Joey" (1952) and "Me and Juliet" (1953). Robert Fortier appeared in 47 feature films and TV-productions from 1950 to 1985. He frequently worked with director Robert Altman.


One Step Away
A troubled teen on the verge of suspension from school must learn to resist the allure of street crime.
O.C. and Stiggs
Wino Jim
O.C. and Stiggs aren't your average unhappy teenagers. They not only despise their suburban surroundings, they plot against it. They seek revenge against the middle class Schwab family, who embody all they detest: middle class.
Bill Barnacle
Popeye is a super-strong, spinach-scarfing sailor man who's searching for his father. During a storm that wrecks his ship, Popeye washes ashore and winds up rooming at the Oyl household, where he meets Olive. Before he can win her heart, he must first contend with Olive's fiancé, Bluto.
Chief of Security
Health is set at a health food convention at a Florida luxury hotel, where a powerful political organization is deciding on a new president.
A Wedding
Jim Habor
Muffin's wedding to Dino Corelli is to be a big affair. Except the ageing priest isn't too sure of the ceremony, only the families actually turn up as the Corelli Italian connection is suspect, security guards watch the gifts rather over-zealously, and Dino's grandma expires in bed just as the reception starts. Could be quite an occasion.
Wealthy Man in Restaurant (uncredited)
ウォーレン・ベイティが製作・初監督・脚本・主演の4役を手がけたコメディー。アカデミー美術・装置賞受賞。 前途有望なプロ・フットボール選手が交通事故で即死するが、それは天使のミスによるものだった。困った天界は彼の魂を殺されたばかりの若き実業家の中に送り込む。全く新しい人物となった彼は、再びフットボールの世界に乗り出すが……。
Edgar Hart
Two co-workers, one a vain woman and the other an awkward teenager, share an increasingly bizarre relationship after becoming roommates.
Town drunk
雪深い鉱山の町を舞台に、共同経営の商売を始める流れ者の賭博師と売春婦を描いた、W・ベイティ×J・クリスティ共演、鬼才R・アルトマン監督による異色の西部劇。 雪深い北西部の鉱山町にやって来た賭博師マッケイブが、坑夫相手の女郎屋の建設を始める。女たちを引き連れてきたミラー夫人と共同経営することになた宿屋は好評を博するが、この地に新たな鉱脈がある見込んだ不動産業者が店の買収に現れた……。
Alexander The Great
An historical film that follows the life of Alexander the Great, the Macedonian king that united all ancient Greek tribes and led them against the vast Persian Empire. Alexander conquered most of the then-known world and created a Greek empire that spanned all the way from the Balkans to India.
On a strange island inhabited by demons and spirits, a man battles the forces of evil.
The Girl Rush
Pete Tremaine
When her compulsive-gambler father dies, leaving her with an inheritance that amounts to zip, single gal Kim Halliday jumps at a caller's claim that she's part-owner of a Las Vegas "hotel." But hilarity ensues when she flies to Sin City to see it. While a wealthy casino owner eyes her dilapidated property, she takes a chance and tries to sell it to an hotelier's wealthy son.
Lady in the Dark
The unhappy female editor of a fashion magazine is undergoing psychoanalysis.
Gangster in Broadway Melody Ballet (uncredited)