Tristian Eggerling


ハロウィン KILLS
Young Lonnie Elam
40年におよぶローリー・ストロードと“ブギーマン”ことマイケル・マイヤーズの因縁の戦いに決着はついたはずだった。しかし、悪夢は終わってはいなかった。ローリーの仕掛けたバーニングトラップから生還したマイケルは、過去を背負う街ハドンフィールドでさらなる凶行を重ねる。恐怖に立ち向かいブギーマンとの戦いを選ぶ者、その恐怖に耐えかね暴徒と化す者。果たして、ハドンフィールドの運命は!? そして、物語はついにブギーマンの正体に迫り新たな展開を迎えるー!! 全世界で250億円を超える大ヒットを記録した究極のショッキング・ホラーの新章がこのハロウィンに、日本に解き放たれる!!
The League of Legend Keepers: Shadows
A horror film for children. A family of archaeologists find the fifth pendant that has been missing for centuries. Unfortunately a spirit has also been searching for this pendant. Once all pendants are brought together the shadows from the past are released. Will Sophie be able to save her town from the shadows?
Mark Niles
When an ex-CIA agent discovers his family have been kidnapped he sets out to rescue them, only to discover they are being held hostage and won't be released unless he carries out a mission to assassinate the President. He must use his advanced skills to outwit the men holding his family and prevent the assassination from going ahead before the clock runs out for his family.