Marie Rambert


Stravinsky: Once at a Border...
This autobiographical film about the most important and influential composer of the 20th century includes documents, photographs and film never seen publicly before. Stravinsky's three surviving children talk about their father and there are contributions from the late Madame Vera Stravinsky, his music associate Robert Craft, Marie Rambert, Balanchine, Nadia Boulanger and many friends. Included in the film are important performances: Les Noces has never before been heard in this, its original form, and the choreography of Petrushka was specially recreated for the film by the Bolshoi and was not seen in this form since 1911. Finally, there is priceless film of Stravinsky himself in this unique film.
Marie Rambert
童話『赤い靴』になぞられたバレリーナの悲しい宿命を、華麗なダンスシーンや、幻想的な映像美で描く、イギリスの巨匠・パウエル&プレスバーガーの傑作バレエ映画。アカデミー美術・装置賞、劇・喜劇映画音楽賞受賞。 ヴィクトリア(モイラ・シアラー)はロンドンで、レルモントフ・バレエ団を率いるボリス(アントン・ウォルブルック)の目に留まる。同じころ、新進作曲家ジュリアン(マリウス・ゴーリング)も同バレエ団に採用される。プリマ(リュドミラ・チェリナ)の結婚によりヴィクトリアが主役に抜てきされ、新作「赤い靴」への企画がスタートするが……。