A mysterious man called Es/Kamen Rider Eden has emerged, committing simultaneous acts of terror across the world, with thousands of believers following his faith. While the people fall one by one and the world delves into chaos, Aruto Hiden stands up to stop him. Isamu Fuwa, Yaiba Yuia, Gai Amatsu, plus Jin and Horobi of also transform into Kamen Riders and fight against the enemy while struggling to seek the truth.
Fuwa has been told that his true past, the one that hadn't been falsified, has been "boring and uninteresting", as Yua overhears and notices that Fuwa cannot hide the look of disappointment on his face. "You are Vulcan! Engrave it in your head!" In order to regain his confidence, Isamu Fuwa looks back at his life and battles as a Kamen Rider! However, this plan of his starts to head in an unexpected direction...!
イギリスから名探偵エルロック・ショルメが来日した。彼の目的は全てのギャングラー犯罪の解明と、ルパンレンジャーの正体を暴くこと。そのエルロックの命を狙ってギャングラー怪人・ウィルソンが襲来、そこにルパンレンジャーまで現れ、エルロックを護衛するパトレンジャーも交えた三つ巴の乱戦に発展するが、その最中、夜野魁利 / ルパンレッドと朝加圭一郎 / パトレン1号がウィルソンによってギャングラーの世界である異世界へとさらわれてしまう。レッドと1号が消えてしまい、両戦隊は最大のピンチを迎えた。 デストラやゴーシュの猛攻から辛うじて逃げ延びた魁利と圭一郎は、異世界から脱出するため、一時休戦して手を組むことに。そして異世界の扉を開くことのできるウィルソンを捕らえるべく、ギャングラーの本拠地のドグラニオ邸に忍び込むが、そこで2人はこの事件の裏で暗躍するなぞのギャングラー怪人の存在と、その目的がレッドと1号がいなくなった残りの戦隊メンバーの殲滅であることを知るのだった。
Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger Transformation Course: Lupin X - Patren X Edition is the third installment of the Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger Transformation Course web series. It was released to accompany episode 22 of the series.
Lupin Red explains how to transform into a Lupinranger. This special takes place after episode 1 of the Super Sentai series Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger.
Patren 1gou shows how to transform into a Patranger. This takes place after Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger Transformation Course: Lupin Red Secret Time, but before episode 2 of the Super Sentai series Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger.
After arguing about whose fashion sense is better, Takaharu and Kinji go outside with their costumes to be judged by the public. Expectedly, they are laughed at due to their outrageous costumes. They then notice a dark aura surrounding several stones, which Kinji depicts as Hyakki Yakou, an event in summer where a hundred Youkai would revive and destroy the town at night.