Song Suk-ki


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Dr. Cheon and the Lost Talisman
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For generations, the eldest son of the village has been the protector, but the current heir, Dr. Cheon, is a fake exorcist who doesn't believe in ghosts. Using his penetrating insight into people's minds, he performs fake exorcisms and resolves cases brought to him. However, Yoo-kyung, a client who can see ghosts, approaches him with an offer too tempting to refuse. With his assistant In-bae, Dr. Cheon heads to Yoo-kyung’s house, and gets involved in a series of strange phenomena. As they delve into the mysteries there, they uncover the secrets of a talisman known as ‘Seolkyung’...
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The Night Owl
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A blind acupuncturist finds himself in the middle of a murder mystery at the royal palace.
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Dreaming of changing the world, SEO Chang-dae takes part in KIM Woon-bum’s political campaign. To resist the current dictatorial ruling party, SEO adopts a very aggressive propaganda campaign, and it makes KIM become the strongest candidate in the opposition party. When ambitious SEO believes that unjustified means is necessary for politics, KIM has a firm belief that it is not real politics. While their conflict deepens, the ruling party secretly contacts SEO to win the next presidential election.
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2011年の映画『恐怖の黒電話』(原題:The Caller/マシュー・パークヒル)を原案とし、大胆に脚色。 ワイヤレス電話により20年の時空を超えて繋がった2人の女性が運命の駆け引きをするミステリー・スリラー作品。 監督を務めたのは新鋭イ・チュンヒョン。パク・シネ、チョン・ジョンソのW主演作。
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In mid '90s, 3 female high school-grad office workers take up English classes together to get promotions and they team up to uncover corruption within their company.
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Four young men want to leave their dystopian world behind and go to a distant paradise to execute a money robbery, a daring act that will have unexpected consequences.
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The Divine Move 2: The Wrathful
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In the 1990s, when Go gambling fever swept Korea, Gui-su loses everything because his father gambled obsessively until there was nothing left. Left all alone in the world, Gui-su meets a mentor and Go teacher, Il-do, and goes through vicious training to become the grandmaster of Go. He sets out for revenge on the world that destroyed his life, but soon finds himself chased by an unknown loner pursuing his own vendetta.
タチャ ワン・アイド・ジャック
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父親に捨てられ貧しい家庭に育った青年のイルチュル。 安定を望む母親の気持ちとは裏腹に“金こそが全て”と信じ込むようになり、天性の洞察力を武器に賭場に入り浸る日々を過ごしていた。 そこで出会った美女に一目ぼれしたイルチュルは、恋人らしき男から彼女とデートできる権利を得ようとポーカーの勝負を仕掛ける。
パラサイト 半地下の家族
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過去に度々事業に失敗、計画性も仕事もないが楽天的な父キム・ギテク。そんな甲斐性なしの夫に強くあたる母チュンスク。大学受験に落ち続け、若さも能力も持て余している息子ギウ。美大を目指すが上手くいかず、予備校に通うお金もない娘ギジョンは、“ 半地下住宅”で 暮らす貧しい4人家族だ。“半地下”の家は、暮らしにくい。窓を開ければ、路上で散布される消毒剤が入ってくる。電波が悪い。Wi-Fiも弱い。水圧が低いからトイレが家の一番高い位置に鎮座している。家族全員、ただただ“普通の暮らし”がしたい。受験経験は豊富だが学歴のないギウは、ある時、エリート大学生の友人から留学中の代打を頼まれる。ギウが向かった先は、IT企業の社長パク・ドンイク一家が暮らす高台の大豪邸だった。
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Only one week left until South Korea will go under sovereign default. Han Shi-Hyun is a leader of the monetary policy team at the Bank of Korea. and is assigned to a crisis team.
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After a traumatic event, a drug trafficker turns sides and conspires with a dangerously ambitious undercover police officer to bring down the mysterious kingpin of a major drug cartel.
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Jae-ho, who aims to become the number one in a crime organization, gets to build up trust with Hyun-su, an ambitious newbie in the prison. While they try to take over the organization after the prison release, their ulterior motives starts to emerge.
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メモリーズ  追憶の剣
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While in medieval Korea, a young girl sets out to revenge the betrayal and the death of her mother. But therefore she must face one of the most powerful men and warriors of the Goryeo Dynasty.
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In Japanese-occupied Korea, three freedom fighters are assigned a mission to assassinate a genocidal military leader and his top collaborator. But the plan goes completely awry amidst double-crossings, counter-assassinations, and a shocking revelation about one of the assassins' past.
京城学校 消えた少女たち
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A sickly girl Ju-ran transfers to a new sanitorium boarding school to regain health. But she discovers that students are disappearing and notices abnormal changes happening to her body. She suspects the school for what's happening and tries to discover what secret is hidden.
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