Primo De Santis


Post-Production Manager
ある月食の夜、年頃の娘を持つ夫婦ロッコとエヴァの家に、ロッコの幼なじみで親友のレレとコジモとペッペ、そしてレレの妻カルロッタとコジモの妻ビアンカが集まり、夕食会が開かれる。 たわいのない会話で盛り上がる中、エヴァの提案で7人の男女は互いに秘密のないことの証としてスマートフォンにかかってきた電話や届いたメールやメッセージを公開し合うゲームを始めることになるが、次第に7人の隠された姿が露呈していく。
Il professor Cenerentolo
Post-Production Manager
Convict Umberto is allowed to work outside prison during daytime as a librarian. There he falls for a beautiful woman who mistakes him for a volunteer helping the inmates — however, like a modern-day Cinderella, every day he must leave and be back to his cell before midnight... will they manage to live happily ever after?
Nel Nome Del Male
Digital Compositor
John Baldassi is a small business owner who lives a peaceful and prosperous existence , alongside the housewife Lucia and two children . The larger of the two sons , the teenager Matteo , however, seems to hide many secrets . Indeed one day the boy disappears into thin air , and after the first suspicions that this is a kidnapping or an escape , makes its way a disturbing hypothesis , dictated by some gruesome discoveries of John in his garage .
Che ne sarà di noi
Compositing Artist
A coming-of-age tale about three 18-year-olds just out of high school who go to a Greek island following one of the boys' older girlfriend.