Jeffrey Richards


Dear Elizabeth
Executive Producer
Based on the compiled letters between poets Robert Lowell and Elizabeth Bishop, Dear Elizabeth maps the relationship of the two poets from first meeting to an abbreviated affair—and the turmoil of their lives in between.
Ohio State Murders
Executive Producer
Ohio State Murders is an unusual look at the destructiveness of racism in the U.S. When Suzanne Alexander, a fictional African American writer, returns to Ohio State University to talk about the violence in her writing, a dark mystery unravels.
Watch on the Rhine
Executive Producer
Written and set during the rise of Hitler’s Germany, Watch on the Rhine is a play about an American family, suddenly awakened to the danger threatening its liberty.
The Baltimore Waltz
Executive Producer
A comic and dramatic fantasia based on the love and adventures of a brother and sister, one of whom has a fatal disease.
Angry, Raucous, and Shamelessly Gorgeous
Executive Producer
Anna Campbell, now 65, sparked controversy when she bared it all on stage years ago. When a theatre festival asks to re-stage the work with a younger actress in her role, dramatic and comic fireworks ensue.
Executive Producer
The O’Mallerys have gathered in their local park to share some barbecue and rousing straight talk while they await their youngest sister’s arrival. What appears to be a festive occasion is actually something quite different.
Significant Other
Executive Producer
All of Jordan Berman’s best friends are setting a date…and he can’t even get one. Now when he needs brunch plans, emergency dating advice, or just someone to commiserate and eat carbs with, he has to compete for attention with their new significant others. Of course he’s so happy for them, but Jordan is struggling to keep up with how fast everyone else is changing.
オール・ザ・ウェイ JFKを継いだ男
リンドン・ジョンソンがJFK暗殺の直後に大統領に昇格してから、翌年の大統領選で当選するまでの347日を描いた実話ドラマ。 当時副大統領だったリンドン・ジョンソンが、JFK暗殺によりエアフォース・ワンで大統領就任宣誓を行ってから、翌年大統領選で当選するまでを描いた実話ドラマ。ブロードウェイで上演されトニー賞を受賞した舞台をスティーヴン・スピルバーグの製作総指揮で映画化。舞台でも主演し、トニー賞主演男優賞を受賞したブライアン・クランストンが、『トランボ ハリウッドで最も嫌われた男』のジェイ・ローチ監督と再タッグを組んだ。
The Sisters Rosensweig
Executive Producer
Three very different sisters reunite after a lengthy separation and discover humanity, respect, and love in this definitive serious comedy about sisterhood.