Andrew Cohen


Executive Producer
ナチス政権下のドイツから逃れたアインシュタインは、その後どうなったのか? 記録映像や他ならぬ本人の言葉を交えて、苦悩に満ちた天才の知られざる素顔に迫るドキュメンタリードラマ。
First Contact: An Alien Encounter
Executive Producer
Drama-documentary telling the gripping story of an encounter with an alien object travelling through the solar system.
The Anthrax Attacks: In the Shadow of 9/11
Executive Producer
Days after 9/11, letters containing fatal anthrax spores spark panic and tragedy in the US. This documentary follows the subsequent FBI investigation.
Fyre Fraud
A true-crime comedy exploring a failed music festival turned internet meme at the nexus of social media influence, late-stage capitalism, and morality in the post-truth era.
Why Are Thin People Not Fat?
The world is affected by an obesity epidemic, but why is it that not everyone is succumbing? Medical science has been obsessed with this subject and is coming up with some unexpected answers. As it turns out, it is not all about exercise and diet. At the centre of this programme is a controversial overeating experiment that aims to identify exactly what it is about some people that makes it hard for them to bulk up.