Rachel Loughran


NICE 2 MEET U ナイス・トゥ・ミート・ユー
恋愛経験の少ないインド人青年が、向かいに住むスコットランド女性と恋に落ちた! 文化や習慣の違いから、誤解とすれ違いが起き始める2人の未来はどうなるのか!? 初めての恋愛に一喜一憂し、彼女への愛の深さを自覚していく青年が、恋愛を通して成長していく姿を描くロマンティックな感動ドラマ!
Amy Goes to College
Amy lives on an island off the coast of Scotland where not a lot happens but the good news is that she is leaving for the big city and university. She gets a camcorder and begins documenting her new life with new friends. She soon befriends the other girls in her halls and they have a lot of fun together. She becomes particularly close to Clare who seems to have some dark secrets in her past and only trusts Amy. The relationships between the girls develop and intensify and Amy starts to change in ways she did not expect. Clare persuades Amy to play pranks on one of the other girls in the flat, but as Clare's methods become more extreme Amy starts to doubt the sanity of her new friend. There will be blood, seduction, murder and terror before Amy finally has to confront her friend.