Arnold Eagle


The Challenge... A Tribute to Modern Art
The Challenge... A Tribute to Modern Art is a 1974 American documentary film directed by Herbert Kline. The film shows footage of great modern artists in their studios creating and commenting on their work, with narration and commentary by Orson Welles. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature.
From the Circus to the Moon
American sculptor, Alexander Calder, creates around the workshop. The film features several of his kinetic sculptures-- Wild moving figurines that spin, undulate and perform circus acts. The film ends on a hanging moon mobile, completing our wacky trip.
Dreams That Money Can Buy
Director of Photography
An attempt to bring the work of surrealist artists to a wider public. The plot is that of an average Joe who can conjure up dreams that will improve his customer's lives. This frame story serves as a link between several avant-garde sequences created by leading visual artists of their day, most of whom were emigres to the US during WWII.
Noguchi : A Sculptor's World
A film biography of Isamu Noguchi, a foremost modern twentieth century artist whom Muckminster Fuller called "the comprehensive artist without peer in our time." Speaking directly to his audience ...