Kanta Sato
出生 : 1996-06-16, Fukuoka, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
Haruto Fukasawa
厚生労働省の威信をかけて創設された精鋭医療チーム「YOKOHAMA MER」。「TOKYO MER」をしのぐ最先端の技術と、国際的に活躍するスタッフを結集したエリート集団だ。彼らを率いるチーフドクター鴨居友は、「危険を冒しては、救えない命がある」と、どんな時も冷静沈着な救命のプロ。危険な現場にも勇敢に飛び込み「待っているだけじゃ、救えない命がある」と熱く理想を追う「TOKYO MER」のチーフドクター喜多見幸太とは、正に水と油の関係だ。そんな中、横浜・みなとみらいの美しい街並みが炎に包まれる前代未聞の緊急事態が発生。平和な海辺の街は大混乱に陥り、数千人が命の危険にさらされる中、対立する2つの医療チームは、すべての患者の命を救えるのか!?
The encounter between a blind young man who is lustless in love and an influencer girl who suffers from lookism.
Kaisei Sakamoto
Kaisei Sakamoto is a 16 year old boy who is inclined to settle everything with his fists. He grew up in a town where you can see both Nagazaki and Gunkanjima, living with his father. His father, Genkai Sakamoto, runs a small ramen shop. The father-son duo has just recently had a large fight. The story showcases fragments of one's youth and the questions that crop up while growing up.
Shouma Tomikoji
Sawaki Tatsuya
Sawaki Tatsuya is a fledgling photographer. He returns to his hometown Fukuoka to take care of his sick father Hideo, but is rejected by his father. Tatsuya meets Jinbo and Yui, who work as mediators between Japan and Nepal. He joins the Nepalese community through them, and while his world expands through these encounters, he also learns of the difficulties of foreigners living in Japan. Shot in the town where many Nepalese actually live, this drama casted authentic epalese as actors. The title “Masala” refers to a mixed spice, and is also used as a metaphor here for the diverse society.
Ryota Tanaka
Kurasaki Teppei / "Tettsu"
Tatsuo Yamashita
反抗期を迎えた高校生の娘への仕返しとして、愛情溢れる“嫌がらせ弁当”を3年間作り続けたシングルマザーが綴った人気ブログを篠原涼子と芳根京子の共演で映画化したコメディ・ドラマ。監督は「ぼくたちと駐在さんの700日戦争」「レオン」の塚本連平。 八丈島のシングルマザーかおりは、次女の双葉と2人暮らし。高校生になってからすっかり反抗期となり、話しかけても返事すらしてくれない娘に困り果てたかおりは、いまや母娘の唯一の繋がりとなっているお弁当でコミュニケーションを取ろうと思い立つ。さっそく仕事で忙しいにもかかわらず、娘の嫌がるキャラ弁づくりに奮闘するかおり。一方の双葉は、すっかりクラスの注目の的となった“嫌がらせ弁当”を迷惑がりながらも、一口も残さず食べ続けるのだったが…。
A traditional ballad singer Hiroshi has enthusiastic middle-aged female fans. Takeru believes that by doing good things to others, he could cause a miracle to happen and cure his beloved girlfriend who is in coma. Tetsuo avenges himself on yakuza for putting him in a jail and now is chased by them. These three men's paths are somehow intertwined and drawing them toward a showdown.
A country boy leaves his family's apple farm and heads to the city to become a famous musician.
Yoichi plays basketball at his junior high and is capable. He is granted a scholarship and attends a high school with a superlative basket team. Instead of welcoming the boy the students there decide to bully and harass the new player leading Yoichi to a new high school and basketball team. Expectedly, the basketball team is not the best. The team will have to soon play against the team from the school Yoichi was in before.
The movie is about the endless miracles during the motorcycle trip of Dan, Tettsu, and Chiharu, the Sannō Rengōkai trio (also known as DTC).
Akira Shimokki
Naoki Irie
Kotoko has long dreamed of the day when she is able to be together with Naoki. But when his father’s company faces some difficulties, Naoki agrees to marry the granddaughter of a client’s chairman to save the business. Knowing she should give up on Naoki, she tries going out with Kinnosuke, but even then, all her thoughts drift back to Naoki…
チームを超えて力を合わせ、悪名高きスカウト集団・DOUBTと監獄からの刺客・プリズンギャングとの“黒白堂駅の闘い”に勝利したSWORD(山王連合会、White Rascals、鬼邪高校、RUDE BOYS、達磨一家)メンバーたち。だが、勝者が決まったかに見えたその場に、九龍グループの善信会を率いる善信吉龍が乗り込んでくる。九龍グループが振りかざす“大人の力”は、想像をはるかに超えて強力だった。琥珀、九十九、雨宮雅貴・広斗兄弟が、命懸けで公開したUSB内の機密情報によって一度は逮捕された九龍グループ総裁・九世龍心は、証拠不十分によりすぐ釈放。打ちのめされた若者たちに追い打ちをかけるかのように、九龍グループ総力を結集した“SWORD壊滅行動”が遂行されていく。
Sosuke Takachiho
「山王連合会」「White Rascals」「鬼邪高校」「RUDE BOYS」「達磨一家」という5つのチームが拮抗するエリア、SWORD地区。彼らは伝説のチーム「ムゲン」のリーダー琥珀が率いる湾岸連合軍との死闘に辛くも勝利し、SWORD地区はつかの間の平和を取り戻していたが、九龍グループによるカジノ建設計画をめぐり、仲間たちとの固い友情で結ばれた男たちはSWORD地区の未来を懸けて最大の決戦に挑む。
Naoki Irie
Based on a popular manga series of the same name, this Japanese romantic comedy sequel continues the story of Kotoko, a bubbly and cheerful girl and her crush, the handsome and aloof Naoki, as they enter the same university. Although they are in separate majors, Kotoko is determined to spend as much time with Naoki as possible and joins the tennis club with him, but all that awaits her is severe training and a love rival.
Naoki Irie
Based on a popular manga series of the same name, this Japanese romantic comedy follows the lives of two high school students, Kotoko, a bubbly girl who’s hopeless in school, and Naoki, her smart and handsome senior. Although Kotoko gathers up the courage to confess her love to him, he bluntly rejects her in public. But fate works in mysterious ways - when her house collapses, a childhood friend of her father’s, Mr. Irie, invites them to live with his family, and she learns that the son of Mr. Irie is none other than Naoki himself…
The Amamiya Brothers, Masaki (Takahiro) and Hiroto (Hiroomi Tosaka), keep looking for their older brother Takeru (Takumi Saito) who disappeared one year ago. The three Amamiya brothers lost their parents when they were young. Since then, they relied only on each other. On the anniversary of their parents' death, Masaki and Hiroto expect Takeru to appear. Instead, they meet a person who has a clue on Takeru's whereabouts.
Kurosaki Teppei "Tettsu"
とある一帯を支配する最強のグループ「ムゲン」が「雨宮兄弟」と激しい抗争を繰り広げた後、ムゲンが解散し雨宮兄弟も姿を消す。その後、頭角を現した五つのチーム「山王連合会」「White Rascals」「鬼邪高校」「RUDE BOYS」「達磨一家」の頭文字を取り街は「SWORD」地区といわれ、「G-SWORD」と呼ばれるグループが互いにしのぎを削っていた。そこへある男が帰ってきたことで、SWORD地区には不穏な空気が漂い始める。
幼いころから親友同士だったコブラとヤマトとノボル。頭がよく大学に進学したノボルはけんかしか取りえのないコブラとヤマトの希望だ。そんなノボルを突然の悲劇が襲う。コブラとヤマトはノボルの戻ってくる場所として「山王連合会」を結成。加えて、「White Rascals」「鬼邪高校」「RUDE BOYS」「達磨一家」という5つのチームが拮抗するその地区はそれぞれの頭文字をとって「SWORD」地区と呼ばれる。