Umibozu (voice)
A compilation of Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru: Nana Tamashii no Ryuujinmaru with some new animation cuts.
Leonidas Crisper (voice)
2021年、ディアブロスタンプに封印されていた悪魔・ディアブロが蘇り、完全体となって世界を支配した結果、50年後の2071年では悪魔たちが上空のデビルシティに住み、その下界で生き残った人類たちもすでに悪魔の奴隷となり果てていた。 「親子ハッピーウィーク」を開いていたしあわせ湯で五十嵐一輝 / 仮面ライダーリバイは、しあわせ湯を訪れていた客である百瀬秀夫が落とした古い切符の入ったパスケースを彼に届ける。そんな時、2071年の世界から百瀬龍之介という男が2021年の世界にやってくる。龍之介は秀夫に憑依して仮面ライダーセンチュリーに変身し、龍之介を追って現れたディアブロを倒そうとするが暴走し、ディアブロと交戦していたリバイとバイス / 仮面ライダーバイスを襲う。そこに現れた神山飛羽真 / 仮面ライダーセイバーと新堂倫太郎 / 仮面ライダーブレイズの協力を得てセンチュリーを変身解除させる。実は、龍之介は秀夫の父であり、完全体となる前のディアブロを倒すために精神体となって2021年の世界にやってきたという。 一輝、バイス、飛羽真は、龍之介と力を合わせ、悪魔が支配する世界の到来を回避しようとする。
King Akafa (voice)
かつてツオル帝国は圧倒的な力でアカファ王国に侵攻したが、 突如発生した謎の病・黒狼熱(ミッツァル)によって帝国軍は撤退を余儀なくされた。 以降、二国は緩やかな併合関係を保っていたが、アカファ王国はウィルスを身体に宿す山犬を使って ミッツァルを再び大量発生させることで反乱を企てていた。 ミッツァルが国中で猛威を振るう中、山犬の襲撃を生き延びたヴァンは身寄りのない少女ユナと旅に出るが、 その身に病への抗体を持つ者として、治療薬開発を阻止したいアカファ王国が放った暗殺者サエから命を狙われることになる。 一方、治療薬を作るためヴァンの血を求める医師のホッサルも懸命にヴァンを探していた―― 。 様々な思惑と陰謀が交錯した時、運命が動き始める。
Kiyomori Taira no
A young orphan named Biwa is taken in by the powerful Taira Clan—also known as the Heike—after their leader witnesses her extraordinary psychic abilities. Unfortunately, what she predicts is a future of bloodshed, violence, and civil war. Inspired by the 12th-century epic tale Heike Monogatari.
Masked Muchacho / Sergeant Oni (voice)
Shuu (Voice)
relive the story of Son Goku and explore the world.
Umibozu (voice)
裏社会ナンバーワンの腕をもつシティーハンター冴羽獠は、普段は新宿に事務所を構え、相棒の槇村香と様々な依頼を受けている。そこに、何者かに襲われたモデル・進藤亜衣がボディーガードを依頼にやってきた。美女の依頼を快諾した獠だが、撮影スタジオで更衣室を覗いたり、もっこり全開のやりたい放題…。亜衣がキャンペーンモデルを務めるIT企業の社長・御国真司は、なんと香の幼馴染。撮影現場で久々に香と再会した御国は彼女をデートに誘う。 しかし、獠は香に無関心で亜衣にスケベ心丸出し…。一方、海坊主と美樹は傭兵が新宿に集結する、という情報を入手した。そして、傭兵達は何故か亜衣を狙うのだった…。
Kurt von Rudersdorf (voice)
Yapool (voice)
Yapool has returned after being injured in Ultraman Ginga S. He masterminds several attacks on Shou's homeworld, the Victorian kingdom in an attempt to get to the Victorium Core. Ultraman Hikari appears and grants Shou the ability to transform into Knight Mode with the Knight Timbre. Now free from their Spark Doll forms, some of the Showa Ultras join Victory in his fight.
Kurama (voice)
Short OVA bundled with the volumes 1 to 6 of the Blu-ray releases of Sabagebu!
Two Horns (voice)
世界大戦後、国家や情報網が破壊し尽くされ廃墟となったニューヨーク。 元・SWATのデュナンと、彼女の恋人で全身サイボーグのブリアレオスは不本意ながらギャングから依頼された仕事をこなして日々の糧を得ていた。 街を出たいと思いながらも叶えられない日々が続く中、自動兵器に襲われている男女を助けたデュナンとブリアレオス。 アイリスとオルソンと名乗るこの二人との出会いはやがて、人類の希望を守るための戦いへと二人の運命を導いていく。
Frank Castle / The Punisher (voice)
Gorisaki Banana / Sensei (voice)
This V-Cinema release takes place between Missions 44 & 45. While preparing to celebrate New Year's, the Go-Busters are all killed by a monster named Azazel. Finding himself (and J) before God in Heaven, Nick uses his status as the one millionth person to die in 2012 to grant his wish that Messiah never existed. He awakens to find a changed world, where the Busters are now known as the Dobutsu Sentai Go-Busters.
Frank Castle / The Punisher (voice)
Shu (voice)
全宇宙の運命を賭けた魔人ブウとの壮絶な戦いから4年後。平和な地球に再び危機が訪れようとしていた。創造神である界王神と対を成す全宇宙のバランスを保つ存在、破壊神ビルスが長い眠りから目覚めた。その目的は、破壊神である自身に比肩しうる力を持つ可能性を秘めた“超サイヤ人ゴッド”なる存在が、39年後に現れるという予言を信じてのことだった。 付き人であるウイスから、フリーザを倒したというサイヤ人の話を聞き、界王星に修行に来ていた孫悟空の前に現われる。「強さの次元が違う」という未知の存在を目の前にワクワクする悟空は、界王の忠告を聞かずにビルスに闘いを挑む。
Gorisaki Banana (voice)
ある日突然地球に現れた黒色のゴーカイガレオン。時同じくして、エネトロン防衛のために出動した特命戦隊ゴーバスターズの前に立ちはだかったのは、かつて宇宙帝国ザンギャックから地球を守り抜いた海賊戦隊ゴーカイジャーだった。 だが彼等は、敵であるはずのザンギャックの新司令官バッカス・ギルらと手を組みゴーバスターズと敵対。全て揃うことで宇宙で最も強大な力が手に入ると伝わる、5つの幻のレンジャーキーを巡る争奪戦が展開される中、そのレンジャーキーの力によって生じた時空の歪みに巻き込まれ、ゴーバスターズとゴーカイジャーは様々な時代へと散り散りになってしまう。 元の時代へ戻るべく、そして幻のレンジャーキーを回収すべく彼等が奔走する一方、ザンギャックはヴァグラスとも手を組み総攻撃の準備を着々と進めていく。果たしてザンギャックと組んだゴーカイジャーの真意はどこにあるのか?そして幻のレンジャーキーの持つ力とは如何なるものなのか?
Gorisaki Banana (voice)
Chief Kuroki tells the team that they will soon be meeting Beet Buster and his new Buddy Roid, but before any introduction can be made, the Soujikiloid attacks. Soon after Hiromu learns that the two new Go-Busters originated from Hyper Space, he challenges them to a duel, suspicious of their motives. This is a director's cut version of episodes 15 & 16 of the Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters TV series.
Gorisaki Banana (voice)
ゴーバスターズの宿敵・ヴァグラスのエンターが新たなメタロイド・スチームロイドを誕生させた。「錆びる」メタウイルスをインストールされたスチームロイドが発する蒸気はバディロイドのメタルボディをも錆びさせてしまい、バスターマシンが出撃不能に陥ってしまう。 エンターはゴーバスターズのピンチをチャンスと捉え、“東京エネタワー”と呼ばれる場所に大量のエネトロンを集積させ一気に亜空間へ転送させようと企む。これが実現すればヴァグラスの現実世界侵攻は一気に進むどころか、周囲の人々が転送の犠牲になってしまう。しかしマシンが動かない状態のゴーバスターズは対抗手段もおぼつかない。そんな中、出動できるマシンが一機だけ残されていた。果たしてゴーバスターズは究極の“特命”を完遂できるのか?
Kurama (voice)
Gorisaki Banana
映画「仮面ライダー×スーパー戦隊 スーパーヒーロー大戦」公開にあわせて配信されたのネットムービーがDVDで登場! フォーゼ、レッドバスターが探偵に!?密室で起きたヒーロー殺人事件。容疑者はヒーロー?!真実に辿り着いた時、驚くべき真相が明らかになる!短編、全10話。
Takeda Shingen (voice)
Madakodama (voice)
シンケンジャーに倒された外道衆の生き残り・マダコダマが現れた。立ち向かうアラタだったが、マダコダマは天装術を無効化する力を持っており苦戦を強いられてしまう。そんな時、彼を志葉家19代目当主・シンケンレッドこと志葉丈瑠が助ける。 シンケンジャーのメンバーたちは復活した外道衆を倒すべく再び集結するが、そこに新たな姿・血祭のブレドランとなったブレドランとマダコダマが現れる。応戦するシンケンジャーだが敵の罠にはまり、丈瑠はさらわれてしまう。しかし、丈瑠を失ったシンケンジャーはゴセイジャーと作戦を考えようにもお互いのそりが合わない。 そんな彼らの前に立ちはだかったのは黒い羽衣を身につけ操られた外道シンケンレッドである。
It's summer vacation. In front of Ginga an Co, who are excited about a Beyblade tournament, Helios, a mysterious youth, stands in their way. In his hands, he possesses "Sol Blaze", a Beyblade that has been passed down since ancient times. As intense battle between Ginga vs. Helios unfolds, extreme weather develops throughout the world.
Andre Maxim (voice)
Papa Bush (voice)
Global political figures such as The Pope, Kim Jong Il, George W. Bush and recent Japanese Prime Ministers play riichi mahjong against each other.
Section 6 Department Chief Nakamura (voice)
西暦2029年。他人の電脳をゴーストハックして人形のように操る国際手配中の凄腕ハッカー、通称「人形使い」が入国したとの情報を受け、公安9課は捜査を開始するが、人形使い本人の正体はつかむことが出来ない。 そんな中、政府御用達である義体メーカー「メガテク・ボディ社」の製造ラインが突如稼動し、女性型の義体を一体作りだした。義体はひとりでに動き出して逃走するが、交通事故に遭い公安9課に運び込まれる。調べてみると、生身の脳が入っていないはずの義体の補助電脳にはゴーストのようなものが宿っていた。
Captain Ketsu dake (voice) / Action Mask (voice)
Vice president
Nakamura (voice)
「個別の11人事件」後、草薙素子が公安9課を去って2年経った西暦2034年。草薙が失踪したことにより組織の変革を余儀なくされた9課は、課員を大幅に増やし「10の力で1つの事件を解決する組織」から「8の力で3つの事件を解決する組織」へと方針を転換。加えてトグサをリーダーに任命し、新体制の下で犯罪の抑止にあたっていた。 バトーはこれになじまず、新入隊員の訓練教官を務める傍らで「個人的推論に則った捜査」として単独行動を取っていた。そんな中、梵字の刺青を入れた男たちが相次いで不審な自殺を遂げる事件が発生。彼らはシアク共和国のカ・ルマ元将軍に忠誠を誓い、マイクロマシンによるテロを画策していた工作員であることが判明。それについてカ・ルマの嫡子であるカ・ゲル大佐が取り調べに応じたが、突如として国外逃亡を図り、人質を取って新浜国際空港に立てこもる。トグサ率いる9課はカ・ゲルを追い詰めるも、彼は突然「傀儡廻(くぐつまわし)が来る!」と叫び、トグサの目の前で拳銃自殺してしまう。この一部始終を、失踪したはずの草薙が離れた場所から監視していた。 立てこもり事件から数日後、単独で捜査を行っていたバトーは草薙と再会する。草薙はバトーに「Solid State には近づくな」と謎の警告をする。捜査が進むにつれ、バトーは草薙が「傀儡廻」ではないかと疑い出す。
Hedoro (voice)
Paul Rusch (voice)
An animated film about Paul Rusch, an American missionary who helped build churches, schools, hospitals in Japan and overall helped improve life in rural areas of Japan along with soothing post-WW2 relations between the two countries.
Action Kamen / Gotaro Go
Selece (voice)
Hikaru, Umi and Fuu, three junior high schoolers, are magically transported to the mystical land of Cephiro, where they become Magic Knights in the service of Princess Emeraude in this fantasy-filled anime feature. Under the spell of an evil high priest, Cephiro is materializing in the same dimension as Tokyo, and now only this specially selected trio can save Cephiro, Tokyo and the world from complete destruction. This is the movie version of the previously-released 3-episode OVA, with additional footage.
Kin'niku (voice)
Umibozu (voice)
Jubei Yagyu
Ninja Resurrection takes place in the Tokugawa era, at a time when Christians in Japan were being persecuted. The leader of the Shimabara Rebellion, Amakusa Shirō, hoped to resist the government forces attacking Christians like him but is assassinated. Soon after, Amakusa's restless spirit returns to avenge his fallen comrades and is up to Yagyū Jūbei Mitsuyoshi to put a stop to the demonic onslaught.
Zigong (voice)
Born in the Chinese state of Lu in 551 B.C., Confucius is raised by his mother after his father dies when he is only three. He marries at 19 and enters the service of the local nobility. At 32, he becomes tutor to the Prince of Lu's children, eventually becoming a politician at 51. His career peaks are the roles of Lu's justice minister and eventually prime minister. The land prospers for four years, but Confucius grows disenchanted with court intrigues. For the following 12 years, he wanders the neighboring states, offering advice to their rulers.
Takeshi is a young man who receives the Polymar helmet to fight the vicious Pluto army. Given incredible abilities, he now fights for justice as Hurricane Polymar. This is a darker reboot of the original superhero anime of the same name.
Ketta Keras (voice)
Yesterday, Chris's biggest problem was getting into a good college. Now, his spirit has been hijacked by wings of light, and transported into an ancient world. Summoned by an enslaved tribe to lead a bloody revolution, Chris must quickly adapt to his new surroundings... or die.
Umibozu (voice)
Director Nakamura (voice)
2029年、二度の大戦を経て、電脳化・義体化技術の発展した世界。新たな可能性の一方で、ゴーストハックや犯罪の多様化といった問題にも悩まされていた。 そんな中、他人の電脳をハックし人形のように使う「人形使い」が入国し公安9課は調査に乗り出す。
Furigokin Tamashiro
Janemba / Shenlong (voice)
普段のように天国と地獄の管理を行っている閻魔の館で一人の若いサイケ鬼が地獄行きの魂を浄化するスピリッツロンダリング装置のタンクを換え忘れた。満タンになったタンクからは悪の気が漏れ出し、サイケ鬼の体を媒介に、怪物ジャネンバに変化。同時に閻魔の館は結界で封じられてしまい、あの世とこの世の秩序がめちゃくちゃになってしまった。この世ではフリーザなど、かつて倒した悪人達が復活し大混乱。孫悟飯、孫悟天、トランクスらが応戦するが、根本的な解決法が分からずにいた。 同じ頃、前回のあの世一武道会のやり直しとして再び行われていた武道会の決勝戦にて、突如謎の結晶体が現れる。閻魔界に異常があることを知った悟空とパイクーハンは閻魔のもとへと向かい、結界を破壊しようと試みるも失敗。閻魔から、結界を張った張本人が上にいたジャネンバであると告げられ、ジャネンバ直々の指名もあり、悟空が闘いを挑むことになる。 ジャネンバは一見間抜けな姿をしているが、魔法のような不思議な技を自在に操る上に、相手の動きを見切ることに長けているため、悟空はやや苦戦を強いられる。ついに悟空は魔人ブウ戦以来2度目となる超サイヤ人3に変身し、ジャネンバに渾身の一撃を喰らわせる。ところが、息絶えたかに見えたジャネンバは瞬く間に体を再生させ、より戦闘向きの体となって悟空に襲い掛かった。ジャネンバの実力は悟空の超サイヤ人3の力を持ってしても歯が立たず、大ピンチに。そんな中悟空のピンチに駆けつけたのは、あの世の秩序が乱れたことにより、本来の肉体を取り戻したベジータだった。 一人果敢に立ち向かうベジータだったが、ジャネンバに敵わず、歴然たる実力差を見せつけられたベジータは、死んだ今でもなお悟空に一歩及ばないことを悟り、落胆する。そこで、悟空から最後の手段として、融合技「フュージョン」を提案される。あの世とこの世の秩序を元通りにすべく、悟空とベジータは、強敵ジャネンバを前にフュージョンを試みる。
Hebopi (voice)
An elite police crime fighting team is formed using convicted criminals. Using their first hand knowledge of the criminal mindset, the Wild 7 are first sent after a gang of Bank robbers. Then in Wild Biker Knights they are sent after a huge crime syndicate that has many high powered government officials in its deep pockets.
Wan-Fu (voice)
One hundred years after their deaths, six legendary holy warriors are reborn to seek justice against the former comrade who betrayed them into the hands of an evil god! The six warriors search the feudal province of Edo questing for the last Saint Soldier, Haohmaru, and their sworn nemesis Shirou Amakusa. Will the followers of the divine light triumph over the forces of darkness, or is history destined to repeat itself? Before their hundred-year journey has ended, six samurai will prove that the only thing stronger than their holy blades is the steel of their wills!
Higuma no Taishō
The first theatrical release, titled Bonobono, opened in theaters on 1993-11-13. The film has since been broadcast on domestic television in Japan, including on broadcast satellite channels such as NHK BS-2. The film has been released on VHS and DVD in Japan, including in a "no cut" edition.
Taison Maeda's Teiken High School class goes on a field trip to the Kansai region of Japan, which is where Taison is from. Taison's little brother Youkou sent a message to Taison & his older brother Fujio that their father, Monson, is sick and that they should return home to visit him. This trip back will also allow Taison to put some closure on his past regarding his friend Naoto & his ex, Haruka.
Action Kamen (voice)
Bojack (voice)
賞金1億ゼニーと世界温泉めぐりが懸ったギョーサン・マネー主催の天下一大武道大会に出場した悟飯たち。かつて父・悟空も今の自分のように亀仙流の道着を着て修行に励んでいたと、優勝を目指し次々と勝ち進む悟飯。未来から人造人間を倒したことを報告しに来たトランクスや、いきなりピッコロと闘う羽目になってしまったが、ピッコロがくだらなさを感じ棄権したために勝ち進んでいくクリリンもそれに続いていた。しかし、ベジータは悟空が死んだショックから立ち直りきれておらず、トランクスの試合をつまらなさそうにテレビで観戦していた。あの世では大会の様子を悟空や界王様も見物していた。同時に会場にいたミスター・サタンが地球を救ったことになっていたことも知ったようである。 ついに決勝の組み合わせが決定した大会では、バトルゾーンで銀河戦士と戦い勝って一番初めに戻ってきた選手が優勝というルールで試合が開始された。銀河戦士は東西南北それぞれの銀河を代表する戦士という振れ込みだが、実はサタンの弟子。しかし、本来現れるはずの彼らと入れ替わった謎の銀河戦士たちが出現した。 通常の選手との違いを感じ取ったクリリンだったが、なすすべなく敗れてしまう。悟飯もほかの選手との違いを感じて戦闘を開始。別の場所で何とか一味の一人を討ち取ったトランクスであったが、その直後に別の仲間に襲われてしまう。 それを見ていた界王様はかつて銀河中を荒らしまわったボージャック率いるヘラー一族であることを確信する。東西南北4人の界王によって封印されていたが、セルとの闘いで北の界王が死んでしまったために封印が解けてしまったという。悟空が不在の地球を守るべく、悟飯の戦いが始まる。
Trailer Narrator (voice)
It's nearly time for the debut of the most anticipated anime movie of the year, Talking Head. There's just a few minor problems: the director has disappeared and the movie isn't even started! Desperate to meet their deadline, the studio hires a "migrant technical director" to fill in for the missing director. But there's more going on here than just slipping deadlines. One by one, the staff is being murdered and it's only a matter of time before the new director's next on the list!
Featuring a modern-day odd couple, the naive virgin Kubota and the handsome charmer Hachisuka, who meet up by accident in a Middle Eastern desert and return to Japan to hustle their way through life. They start by getting involved in shady TV dealings, where they get jobs making fake documentaries.
Rei (voice)
Narrator (voice)
True ghost stories described and/or narrated by the survivor involved and commences with the name and location of the one submitting the story. Each of the three collections begins with a series of creepy real-life photographs in which strange appendages or faces appear while a rather ominous narrator suggests you are now entering the highway to HELL. Three stories in the first TV-movie: The Lonely Girl Spiritual Flight Mystery of the Red Earring
Chief newspaper editor
Kirishima (voice)/ Gentarou Kuroki (voice)
Based on the gag manga by Hisashi Eguchi. Originally released as a feature part of Studio Pierrot's video magazine show Anime V Comic Rentaman (アニメ・V・コミック レンタマン) along with Abashiri Ikka, Yumemakura Baku Twilight Gekijou and Akai Hayate.
Hawkwind (voice)
In a mystical land filled with magic and monsters, eager adventurers scour a ten-floor dungeon in search of fame and fortune - if they are able to escape with their lives! But none dare set foot in the tenth floor, as a powerful foe will make sure that they never return to the light of day: the evil Werdna, a wizard who stole an amulet of immense power. Now, to aid a beautiful woman, a group of skilled warriors must descend to the tenth floor to find the woman's lost love, and to take back the amulet from the hands of evil!
Broken Ashra (voice)
As Akira Fudo wakes up, he finds himself in a "chibi" form, which he thinks doesn't fit a hero such as himself. He is not the only one that has changed. Together with Ryo and Miki, they set out on a journey to restore their proper appearances and find out what caused this change. During their adventure they find several other characters from the world of Go Nagai, such as Mazinger Z, Dr. Hell, Baron Ashura, and others.
Shuwarutsu Negataro (voice)
The story takes place at the Toenail of Satan's Spartan Institute of Higher Education. This school is extremely strict, punishing the lowest scoring students with harsh whipping and public shaming. Kekko Kamen won't stand for that though, and rescues female students from being exposed in public while wearing nothing but her mask.
Marouji (voice)
Shurannosuke Sakaki is a masterless samurai with a razor-sharp katana and a cold-hearted personality. Whenever you see the mark of two crossed scythes on his back, death is sure to follow. Because of his exceptional swordsmanship, Shurannosuke is hired by the Nakura Clan to rescue Princess Mayu from the Seki Ninja. In this mission, he must use his full potential to survive the Seki Ninja's notorious henchmen.
Umibouzu (voice)
Umibouzu (voice)
Rikiya "Goggles" Gabimaru (voice)
In the city of Oedo 2808a.d., three Cyber criminals are given two choices, to either rot in jail or to join a special force of the Cyber Police to get possibly one more chance at freedom ever again. For each criminal apprehended, and for each successful mission done, the state will agree to reduce their sentences. Lead by Hasegawa, the new recruits: Sengoku, Gogul, and Benton will bring some hard justice to Oedo and possibly taste freedom again.
Raoul Uzbekk Sin
Car racing anime, based on the manga by Kaoru Shintani that serialised in Big Comic Superior from 1988 to 1990.
A trumpet player has developed skills as a professional boxer after doing time in jail.
Don Bailey (voice)
Guy is a Japanese street-brawler in New York who chooses to train under the famed boxer, Roman, with the hopes that he can raise enough money as a heavyweight to fund a life-saving operation for his father.
Dr. Delapaz (voice)
Five female pirates pilot the Sol Bianca, a starship with a higher level of technology than any other known. With it, they seek out riches, such as the Gnosis, an legendary item of power, and pasha, the most valuable mineral in the galaxy.
Fumiaki Muroto (voice)
Theatrical anime movie created from the OVA 'Gosenzosama Banbanzai', written and directed by Mamoru Oshii.
Rei (voice)
A mischievous spirit gives Ran a heart-shaped candy that causes a magical heart to appear over the head of whoever eats it. And whoever catches that heart captures the heart of the person who ate the candy! And if there's one thing the Urusei Yatsura crowd can do, it's play catch!
A freak accident unleashes a demonic spirit within researcher John Stalker - transforming him into Saldo, a mythical cyber-beast fueled by hate and evil.
D (voice)
Thug B
Jedda Hassan (voice)
It has been three years since the end of the series. Ryo works for NASA as an engineer on a large rocket project. Anise, fellow Borgman and lover, has been reduced to flipping burgers in a restaurant. So naturally, when she gets a letter offering her a professional job in a big, Japanese, high-tech project, she jumps at the chance. Ryo, however, is as indecisive as ever and so she leaves for Japan without him. Chuck Sweager, the third Borgman, is a police officer, as is his girlfriend Miki...
PSB Chief Togawa/Frenchie (voice)
In the late twentieth century, the Secret Security Force was formed to stop the actions of the communist terrorist group known as the Red May. Angel, a beautiful, yet cold woman, has recently joined the small anti-terrorist group. But her first mission will be a true test of skill, for members of the Red May are being found dead, murdered by gruesome methods. Who is causing these murders? And why? Written by Chuck "Dark-Side" Williamson
Tarouja Onimaru (voice)
The story starts out at a dig in lake Biwa where archaeologist may have discovered something hidden by the 6th king of evil. The evil king is resurrected and is trying to resurrect an evil demon. Kujaku a priest/monk and friends he meets along the way must discover his own true hidden talents in order to stop the 6th king of evil from making Hell on Earth literally
Narumi (voice)
In the late 1990s, society is descending into ecological collapse and totalitarianism. Saiga Riki-Oh, a mysterious man with a six-pointed star on his fist, finds himself at the privately-owned Tokyo State Prison. Serving a term of three years due to assault, his first offense, Riki-Oh openly antagonizes The Four Emperors, four powerful prisoners that control the prison and keep the rest of the inmates in line...
Umibouzu (voice)
Aramis fell off her horse and received the aid of a man named Francois. They fell in love with each other at first sight and spent their time happily for a while. Francois was killed by Manson and the Ironmask's people, so Aramis swore revenge. Then she went to Paris to be a musketeer. 1 year after the end of TV series, D'Artagnan had a drink with 3 musketeers and found that Jussac and the Cardinal's Guards harrassed a woman in a tavern in Paris. Of couse, they fought Jussac and the Cardinal's guards and won. On his way to home, D'Artagnan witnessed the woman whom he rescued from Jussac about to jump into the river, and rescued her again. D'Artagnan brought her to home but she disappeared soon. After a day, D'Artagnan heard that the woman was killed last night and Rochefort and Cardinal's guards arrested him for murder because his hat was found by the woman's body. Aramis discovers that the story has a link with Catherine de Médicis, and launches out an investigation.
Gisou (voice)
Parts 3 & 4. When high school student Masato discovers that his parents aren't really his parents and that he's been selected to pilot the giant robot Zeorymer, he decides he must fight the evil corporation that built it. Unfortunately, the bad guys have already launched the mysterious Hades Project, and their giant robots outnumber Masato 7-to-1 in this Japanese animé series.
Goki (voice)
Student Jiro Shutendo is unaware that he has mystical powers which could lead mankind to heaven or hell.
Father (voice)
After hitting a passing spaceship and causing it to crash, a troupe of aliens and robots rescue the only survivor. It is a human baby named Corona that they decide to raise on their own, using the data they retrieved from the computer to mimic the life she would have had on Earth.
Sergeant Sagara (voice)
Hokkaido, 1991, a series of murders take place and dragons suddenly begin appearing in the skies. The Japanese SDF begins shooting the dragons out of the sky, holding them responsible for the murders. A troubled young girl is suddenly entrusted with the care of a hatchling dragon, hoping to raise him for destruction. Everyone will soon learn who the true culprits are and why the dragons have appeared.
Papa (voice)
Noriyasu seems like an average third-grader, but his life goes haywire after he catches his mother reading his private daily journal. In an effort to astonish her, he begins writing outlandish lies about a giant snake in the bathroom, cooking pencils for dinner, and a rain of pigs, but Noriyasu is the one who's shocked when his writings play out in reality and everyone else treats the events as normal. Things become even more chaotic when he takes several stabs at being a newspaperman, producing “fake news” that become the talk of the town and one resulting in an apocalyptic porcine holiday.
Ryûsaku (voice)
Bill White (voice)
Kei / D (voice)
春休みを控えた女子高生・魔神英子(A子)は今度こそ彼氏を見つけると息巻く一方、彼女のライバル大徳寺美子(B子)はA子と仲良しの寿詞子(C子)との旅行をアレコレと思案中。そんなA子は憧れのドレスを買うため、ハンバーガーショップでアルバイトをはじめるが、彼女が数日前に彼のバイクごと突き飛ばしてしまったカッコイイ男子のK君と店内で再会。運命の出会いに心ドキドキのA子だが、どうやらB子も彼が気になって仕方がない。実は、K君の意中にはガラスの靴の形をしたイヤリングの持ち主がいるのだが……。 本作の見どころは、A子たち登場人物の多くが何着もの普段着やドレスを披露する点。通常のアニメではなかなか見られない試みだが、これは本作の脚本家・川崎智子の意向で実現したもの。川崎はシリーズ初の女性脚本家ということもあり、今までとは少し違ったロマンス要素が盛り込まれている。
Morlock (voice)
The inhabitants of the peaceful village Le-jeute are lured to the factory city with the promise of pleasure. A small group of workers prepare to revolt against the evil factory owner, Morlock. The worker Eud escapes, ending up in the arms of the beautiful Tia. When Morlock captures them both, Eud is thrown in the dungeon, and Tia is subjected to Morlock's sexual appetite.
Rung (voice)
Rei (voice)
Gisou (voice)
Parts 1 & 2. When high school student Masato discovers that his parents aren't really his parents and that he's been selected to pilot the giant robot Zeorymer, he decides he must fight the evil corporation that built it. Unfortunately, the bad guys have already launched the mysterious Hades Project, and their giant robots outnumber Masato 7-to-1 in this Japanese animé series.
Captain (voice)
Nikolai (voice)
西暦2400年代、地球人類は紋章族(ハルマ・クフツ)との戦いに敗れ、現在はその占領下にあった。紋章族の救助中だった戦艦テトラスケリオンは、狂った機械生命オートマトンに支配された紋章艦に奇襲され、ガロリイ、ニコライ、ジェニングスのみが生き残るが、ジェニングスは第二次攻撃で死ぬ。 ガロリイは戦力増強のため、救助した紋章族の少女アルテアを呪文で目覚めさせる。ガロリイとアルテアは敵紋章艦の中枢にいるオートマトンの破壊のため、ニコライは生存者救出のため、それぞれ敵紋章艦に突入する。
A tale of rivalry between two gangs, MND and Laku, and the personal vendetta between MND's Naoto and Laku's Yota.
Gou Momomoto / Momo
ストリートパンクス界で「帝王」の異名を持つバンド「GASP」。そのリードボーカルのトーイこと藤井冬威は熱唱中、ノリの悪い客に殴りかかる。だがその相手は人気ナンバーワンの若手スター歌手・哀川陽司だった! 一方、トーイの従姉妹でアイドル歌手のヒデロー、本名・森ヶ丘園子はトーイの芸能界入りを画策。イトコ同士ながらトーイに魅かれるヒデローだが、彼の周辺にはトーイのおっかけの不思議少女ニヤが出没していた。だがヒデローとニヤは奇妙な友情を感じ合う。片や哀川陽司はトーイの秘めた実力を確認。彼をライバル視するが。
Morgan Scott (voice)
The crew of an interplanetary starship fights for survival after an alien force takes control of their craft.
'D' (voice)
Once upon a time, there was a certain family having strong influence on the rule of the Imperial Court. They had their own might called “Kidou,” and yet got hated because of the might itself. At last, the patriarch of the family was entrapped to his death, and all the family was doomed to ruin... The present day — the survived descendants of this family, now calling themselves “Kidousyuu,” schemed to resurrect their murdered patriarch once again, and the ferocious evil spell went into action.
Bunmei Muroto
Kyousuke Gomi (voice)
Hikaru Shihoudo is Hikaruon, a metal super hero fighting the forces of the evil organization known as Urael. Disguised as a transfer student, he must investigate a series of strange suicides in town.
Ganigas "Ganga" Gagtos
A group of students from the Cosmo Academy are about to take their final exam: surviving for over fifty days in a derelict ship. But when they arrive, they discover that instead of ten students, there are eleven. One of them doesn't belong there...
Chief (ep 1) (voice)
Yuko Kusaka is a Japanese journalist sent to Brazil to do a report on the gold rush phenomenon that seems to be making many people rich from night to day. Rumors say that among the many "garimpeiros" (gold diggers) currently on the Amazon forest, there is a Japanese known as Rio Baraki. Reaching their destination, her crew member is promptly attacked and she is raped as a warning to stop their work and return immediately to their home country. Determined to do her job, she stays and finds out from the attacker that he is none other than Baraki, a white haired muscular man with a large scar on his back. Later she discovers that his real name is Keisuke Ibaraki. Once a promising quarterback, he ended up falsely incriminated by a powerful organization known as GPX.
D (Operative DC138621-S113)
Violence Jack
Kanto Hell Earthquake has demolished the metropolitan completely. After the earthquake, Slum King is kidnapping girls and sell them as sex slaves. Mari is wandering on the devastated field looking for her lover, Ken. But she is also kidnapped by them. While she is tortured and trained as a sex slave, Ken saves her. Ken has become the member of Slum King. The king offers condition to him; in return for releasing her, he has to kill Violence Jack.
Optimus Prime
Taking place after the Second Season of Transformers, Scramble City is a story in which the Cybertrons have built a secret lab hidden inside a mountain to build a new super robot, Metroplex to be a mobile base for them. As Ultra Magnus prepares it the Destrons find out its location and attack it. The Cybertron and Destron teams duke it out over the mountain then Metroplex comes out and beats all the Destrons but then out of the water comes Typticon! Can Metroplex defeat Trypticon???
Takei Sukekubo (voice)
The evil secret society known as the Telephone Pole Gang seeks to take over the world by first taking over a certain prefecture on Kyūshū (they never specify which one). In order to thwart the evil plans of the Telephone Pole Gang, Imazuru High School creates the Prefectural Earth Defense Force, composed of problem teachers and students from the school. They are also joined by a cyborg transfer student from India.
A massive gas explosion in modern-day Tokyo throws 17-year-old Suzuko back in time — 500 years into the past and into a death-strewn battlefield. Rescued from lecherous bandits by the young warrior Shukumaru, Suzuko struggles to untangle the time lines. Slowly she begins to understand the strange force that has exiled her, and how it relates to her own mysterious past. Shukumaru and Suzuko tackle mystery, tragedy and disaster as time unravels amidst the roaring flames of past and present.
Odin centers around the novice crew of the laser sailing space schooner Starlight as they embark on an historic interstellar test flight. They are intercepted by what seems to be a wrecked spaceship only to find that it contains a lone survivor; a young woman named Sara Cyanbaker. Unknown to the crew at this time, a mechanized space fleet approaches Earth and a scout vessel from that fleet was responsible for the destruction of Sara's ship.
Rei (voice)
Doc McCoy (voice)
In a near future, mankind has moved from a drained Earth to the Moon. Rebel acts of terrorism lead to conflicts with the Earth Federal Government. A mysterious entity called Dallos appears to restore hope.
Suppaman (voice)
Arale and her friends learn of a World Grand Prix being organised by the Radial Kingdom. The prize is marrying Princess Front (a dead ringer to Ms. Yamabuki) or 1 million dollars. Of course they decide to enter for the money. Not so for Dr. Mashirito; he is going for the princess and will stop at nothing to win! The princess though has her own plan, which involves Ms. Yamabuki, and that of course means even Dr. Slump decides to enter with his trusty Borobo. Let the race begin...
Akita (voice)
An American scientist constructs a laser satellite with hopes of preventing any nuclear conflicts from occurring. However, after a fatal error from both the US and the USSR governments, war breaks out and humanity faces a new bloodshed.
Suppaman (voice)
When local teacher Midori Yamabuki receives an emergency summons to her home planet it turns out to be a trap devised by galactic warlord Dr. Mashirito, and it's up to Dr. Senbei Norimaki and a group of students (including his robot daughter Arale) to venture into space to save her.
Raita Hokuto (voice)
After polluting their own planet beyond repair, a race of evil aliens target earth as their next home. Now it is up to a lone outcast and his robotic spacecraft, Baldios, to defend earth. But, first he must convince the distrusting human population of the impending danger.
Police Officer (voice)
Suppaman (voice)
Professor Senbei finds a videotape of his deceased father providing instructions on how to create a love potion. The main ingredient is a tear of the evil Gyaasuka Daimao who lives at the Wonder Island. To retrieve it, Senbei takes Arale and Gatchan on a wacky adventure.
Nils Holgersson is a young boy on a farm who is cruel to the animals. But when he catches the farm's little goblin it becomes one prank too many. He is magically shrunk and suddenly the farm animals are out for revenge. He flees on the back of the goose Morten and they join up with a flock of wild geese. Together they travel all over Sweden, with Nils hoping to find a way to become big again.
Daijiro Gou
Chōdenji Machine Voltes V (超電磁マシーン ボルテスV Chōdenji Mashīn Borutesu Faibu?, Super Electromagnetic Machine Voltes Five) more popularly known as Voltes V, is a Japanese anime television series that was first aired on TV Asahi starting June 4, 1977. It was created by Saburo Yatsude (a pseudonym referring to a committee within Toei Company) and directed by Tadao Nagahama. Voltes V is the second part of the Robot Romance Trilogy of the Super Robot genre which includes Chōdenji Robo Combattler V and Tōshō Daimos. Like Combattler V, the series was animated by Sunrise and produced by Toei Company. The series was animated by Sunrise on Toei's behalf. This super robot along with the other two aforementioned super robots first appeared the USA as a part of Mattel's Shogun Warriors line of import toys, released in the late 1970s.
In a small village, twins are born: a boy, Tatara, and a girl, Sarasa. A prophet declares Tatara the chosen one who will free Japan from the tyrannical rule of the King and his four sons. But when the ruthless Red King slays Tatara, Sarasa must take on her brother's name and responsibilities and embark on a quest to free Japan and deliver vengeance to the Red King.
Sheargan (voice)