Art Department Coordinator
デ・ニーロとノートンの新旧カメレオン俳優が激突! 完全防備されたフランス王家の秘宝を狙って、犯罪のプロがタッグを組む。最後の最後まで気が抜けないスリリングなクライム・ムービー。
This short film illustrates a day in the life at Forillon National Park. Situated on the Gaspé peninsula in Quebec, the park offers spectacular views of sea, mountain and forest. A monumental landscape not to be missed. A film without words.
A seemingly idle guy and an unprincipled girl to whom everything seems to come easily will see their lives sealed in a brutal way.
A militant
The unexpected return of his ex-wife and the assembly of a group of protesters both threaten to wreck a corrupt contractor's inauguration party for his new superhighway.