Daniel Rangel

Daniel Rangel

出生 : 1995-10-09, Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Daniel Rangel
Daniel Rangel


Nosso Tudo Bem
Tudo Bem
Three Summers
Over a trio of summers, a caretaker for luxury condominiums relies on her resourcefulness and her eye for opportunity to take advantage of whatever comes her way.
The Other End
Diogo (17) has a little quirk: he likes to call his mother's female therapy patients and masturbate while listening to them on the phone. One of these patients is Angela (43), a woman who was just left by her husband When Diogo calls Angela, she thinks it's her husband calling. She starts having a relationship with the silence on the other end of the line. But when she finds out it's Diogo, she's disgusted. She's furious. But, most of all, she's attracted to this person who showed so much interest in her. The only person who called her every day. Diogo helps Angela see that she can have a new beginning and she shows him his way to independence. But they have to face a number of obstacles: There's the age difference, Diogo's mother, and, especially, his own path to adulthood.
Original Music Composer
Bad adolescence
How a bad company can ruin a teenager?