Bona Nasalli-Rocca


Wardrobe Supervisor
Where Are You Going on Holiday?
Costume Design
In three vignettes, two exes, a tour guide and a married couple struggle to overcome a series of misadventures during their vacations.
Stay As You Are
Costume Design
A May-December romance. Roué Giulio Marengo, a Roman landscape architect unhappy in his marriage, meets Francesca, a young and beautiful Florentine, and then learns she might be his daughter. He resolves to keep his hands off but can't seem to stay away, and she's eager for a lover who's a father figure.
Wardrobe Intern
トレヴェニアンの同題小説をクリント・イーストウッドが監督・主演で映画化した本格的な山岳スパイ・アクション。 殺し屋稼業から引退し、美術教授となったヘムロックのもとへ、殺された諜報員の報復依頼が舞い込む。弱みにつけ込まれ仕方なく引き受けたヘムロックは、第一の任務終了後に殺された諜報員が彼の命の恩人のアンリだと知り、第二の任務も引き受けて目標の人物がいるアイガー登山チームへ参加するが…。
Snow Job
Costume Design
A famous skier, his mistress and a ski instructor rob a bank in the Alps and hide the loot in a crevasse.